Where is the cumulative energy line on the Omori chart?
In early versions of MS-RAP, the Omori chart included the cumulative energy as a function of time after blasting. You won’t find that line anymore in the default Omori Analysis Tools app. Although the total energy released has a value, the shape of the cumulative energy graph inherently has no meaning. The accumulation of a […]
Image capturing
You can capture or save any 3D view, chart or table using the ‘Clip’ or ‘File’ options at the top-right of the mXrap window. There are additional image capturing controls available to increase the quality and to adjust what is captured in the image. For capturing charts for example, you can turn on/off the header/footer, […]
Why are the event magnitudes different in mXrap?
People often notice that the local magnitude of an event in mXrap is different from the magnitude shown in their other seismic software. This is usually because the local magnitude equations do not match. Local magnitude is a calculated (derived) parameter. Normally its either based on seismic energy, moment/potency, or a combination of both. You […]