Picture of Stuart Tierney

Stuart Tierney

Stuart quantifies risk associated with short-term seismic exclusion zones.

Hazard Assessment – Event Rate

The Hazard Assessment application uses a grid-based approach to describe the seismic hazard throughout your mine. Each grid point essentially represents a seismic source with a specific frequency-magnitude relationship. A frequency-magnitude relationship is defined from the MUL, Mmin, b-value, and event rate. The event rate is something we haven’t taken a dive into yet, so we’ll get into it in this post. Event rate sounds like a simple calculation but there are quite a few complexities worth explaining.

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Grid Based Analysis parameters

The Grid Based Analysis application can be used to evaluate the spatial distribution of various seismic parameters. There are a range of source parameter options

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Stochastic declustering explained

As mentioned in the last blog post, a stochastic declustering algorithm has been implemented in mXrap to separate events into ‘clustered’ and ‘background’ components. It

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