Stope Reconciliation

The Stope Reconciliation app allows users to reconcile their mined surveys and design shapes quickly and easily. The reconciliation analysis is done on a fine resolution (<1 m) which allows for insights on a scale not previously considered in the industry. The app considers a range of factors which can contribute to stope performance, for example, quantification of various aspects of design geometry, blasthole data, and geotechnical data. The analysis application gives users the ability to visualise and discover trends in their data, identifying the critical factors leading to stope overbreak and underbreak at their mine.


Principal authors: Kyle Woodward, Benoît McFadyen, and Matthew Heinsen Egan

Development support: Initially developed under the Stope Reconciliation research project

Woodward, KR, McFadyen, B & Heinsen Egan, M 2021, Stope Reconciliation, version 1, computer software, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth,


McFadyen, B, Grenon, M, Morissette, P & Woodward, K, 2019, ‘Preliminary assessment of primary stope performance for a seismically active mine’, Proceedings of the 53rd US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, American Rock Mechanics Association, Alexandria.

McFadyen, B, Woodward, KR, Potvin, Y & Grenon, M 2020, ‘A new stope reconciliation approach’, in J Wesseloo (ed.), Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Underground Mining Technology, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 335-350,

McFadyen, B, Woodward, KR & Potvin, Y, 2021, ‘Open stope design; beyond the Stability Graph’, Proceedings of the Underground Operators Conference, AusIMM, Melbourne.

Potvin, Y, Woodward, KR, McFadyen, B, Thin, I & Grant, D 2020, ‘Benchmarking of stope design and reconciliation practices’, in J Wesseloo (ed.), Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Underground Mining Technology, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, pp. 299-308,

If you’d like further information on this app, please email us.

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