Seismic hazard – sensitivity to b-value
Probabilistic seismic hazard calculations are dependent on the number of events (N) and the b-value. But which has more effect on the hazard result? The chart below shows how seismic hazard varies with b-value for N = 1,000, N = 10,000 and N = 100,000. The seismic hazard in the chart below can be considered in […]
What on Earth is MUL?
Yes, this is a frequently asked question…. MUL or MUpper-Limit refers to the truncating magnitude of the Gutenberg-Richter distribution. We used to refer to this as Mmax in the Hazard Assessment app and on the frequency-magnitude chart but we found there was confusion caused by Mmax being used to describe multiple things. Hopefully if we […]
Training video programme
We started making training videos about 12 months ago and feedback has been quite positive. At the last AGM, a suggestion came for a training programme aimed at new users to mXrap. The training videos are currently stored by app but a specific programme would help new users with a logical order for progressing through […]
Chart tips – view controls
Charts usually auto-adjust their ranges to the input data. This is often what you want, but occasionally it does make it harder to compare charts with different filters applied. A handy tip is to enable the ‘Zoom and Pan’ option in the top-left. This disables the auto-zoom and pan so then if you change the […]
Quick Reference Guide
Most users are probably aware of the Quick Reference Guide in the Cheat Sheets. It lists all the mXrap shortcuts and hotkeys but it is spread over a few pages and can be a bit tough to find what you’re looking for. Below is a one-page Quick Reference Guide for more of a visual lookup […]
To a/b, or not to a/b
The a/b value is sometimes used as a measure of seismic hazard but there are some common mistakes made with this analysis and interpretation. What is a/b? The Gutenberg-Richter distribution is a statistical model that describes a log-linear relationship between the number of events, N, exceeding magnitude, M. log10 N = a – bM At N […]
3D distance measuring tool
You can now measure distances in any 3D view in mXrap (version 5.6.0 or later) with the ruler tool in the Annotations tab. The “Annotations tool” training video goes through all the features and the operation. Most operations will probably be for the distance between two points, such as the event-to-survey distance below. You can […]
Changes to mXrap interface – right-hand-side panels
There have been some interface changes made to the mXrap software in versions 5.6.6 or later. The right-hand-side controls have had a bit of a face-lift and now there are separate coloured tabs for exporting, selections, annotations and clipping. The 3D Controls button has also been moved above the series window and the buttons in […]
Updates to survey importing
If you have updated your software to 5.4.0 or higher, you may have noticed some changes to the Survey Import tool. The Survey Setup training video has been updated. The main changes have been to support additional properties from DXF files. DXF text Text objects from DXF files can now be imported into mXrap and […]
What survey formats can be imported into mXrap?
mXrap supports the following survey formats to be used in 3D views: DXF (AutoCAD .dxf) DTM / STR (Surpac .dtm/.str) PNT (.pnt) INP (Map3D Geometry .inp files) Regarding DXF files, this is a complicated format that AutoCAD often updates with new specifications. Our importer will always be behind the latest updates and therefore incompatible with […]