A geotechnical data analysis and monitoring platform


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Moment Tensor Axis Colour Update

For users that look at moment tensors, please be aware that we are changing the arrow colours and improving the legend. The colours of the moment tensor T and P axes have been updated to align with the colours used in ESG and IMS system: Red for the P axis Blue for the T axis   The legend for the moment tensors now has nice labels to allow you to identify the axes, planes and

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mXrap 6.1 – Release notes and Changelogs

Highlights This version brings several new features to mXrap 6, as well as a host of bugfixes and performance improvements. You will be prompted to upgrade by a yellow banner at the top of the Apps window. Follow the link to download and install.  Full user changelogs for this version are available here. 3D Interactive Slicing Slice through a 3D view to get a better view of data deep inside of a mine. Chart Interactions

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What are minodes?

Minodes are what we use in multiple places in mXrap if we want to assign information to development. They are just point locations, dotted along your development at regular intervals.

Using the ‘Minode Generator’ App mXrap users can create minodes using their Mine Geometry Model or survey files. Minodes are not generated automatically and should be updated periodically to reflect new development.

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Geotechnical Design for Underground Metalliferous Mines Course

This course is designed to develop specific underground metalliferous mining geomechanics design competencies for engineers to enhance their contribution to mine site geomechanics programs.

RaSiM 11

The RaSiM symposium will aim at an exchange of scientific and practical knowledge and experiences related to all aspects of rockburst and mining-induced seismicity.

Managing Seismic Risk in Underground Metalliferous Mines Course

This course is designed to introduce mine geotechnical engineers to basic mine seismology concepts and their application in mining. Geotechnical engineers who work on medium to high risk seismic mines would benefit most from this course.

Deep Mining 2027

Deep Mining 2027 is an international conference which provides a forum for industry and academia to come together and share research, experience and knowledge on best practice in deep and high stress underground mining.

Australian Centre for Geomechanics

The University of Western Australia
Civil and Mechanical Engineering
Room 273 Fairway Entrance 3
Crawley WA 6009

Consortium Members