

This library provides functions to assist in rendering 3D shapes in mXrap.

Generating lots of shapes efficiently

Shape Create.arrow ( Object config, Shape shape )

Creates an arrow. Vertices are shared between sides.

  • startPoint : location point, default [0, 0, -1]
  • endPoint : location point, default [0, 0, 1]. The arrow head is on the endPoint.
  • arrowHeadWidthValue : The width of the arrow head as a fixed value. This configuration if specified takes precedence over arrowHeadWidthRatio.
  • arrowHeadWidthRatio : The width of the arrow head as a fraction of the arrow length.
  • arrowHeadLengthValue : The length of the arrow head as a fixed value. This configuration if specified takes precedence over arrowHeadLengthRatio. The length of the arrow body would be the length of the whole arrow (as configured from the start and end points) minus the length of the arrow head.
  • arrowHeadLengthRatio : The length of the arrow head as a fraction of the arrow length.
  • lineWidthValue : The width of the arrow body as a fixed value. This configuration if specified takes precedence over lineWidthRatio
  • lineWidthRatio : The width of the arrow body as a fraction of the arrow length.
  • foreignKey : either a number value, or a function f(location), where location is the location of the vertex being considered.

Shape Create.circle ( Object config, Shape shape )

Creates a circle. The configuration available are:

  • centrePoint : centre location point, default [0, 0, 0]
  • radius : circle radius, default 1.
  • radialRes : "radial resolution". Around the circle will be rendered by the number of points specified. This will be reduced if only part of the circle is rendered. Default 30, Minimum 4
  • angleStart : Only specify if rendering part of the circle. Around the circle, what angle to render from. Default 0 degrees
  • angleEnd : Only specify if rendering part of the circle. Around the circle, what angle to render to. Default 360 degrees
  • dirVector : Point representing vector. This is the normal vector of the plane that the circle sits on (e.g. the "facing" of the circle)
  • foreignKey : either a number value, or a function f(location, i), where location is the location of the vertex being considered and i is the radial index (-1 for centre).

Shape Create.cone ( Object config, Shape shape )

Creates an cone.

  • startPoint : location point, default [0, 0, -1]. This is the center of the base of the cone
  • endPoint : location point, default [0, 0, 1]. This is the top "pointy" point of the cone
  • coneRadius : The radius of the base of the cone. Default 1.
  • longRes : "longitudinal resolution". The cone, lengthwise, will be made up of smaller triangles/rectangles with the length no larger than this value. Default 5000
  • radialRes : "radial resolution". Around the cone will be rendered by the number of points specified. This will be reduced if only part of the cone is rendered. Default 30, Minimum 4
  • angleStart : Only specify if rendering part of the cone. Around the circular base, what angle to render from. Default 0 degrees
  • angleEnd : Only specify if rendering part of the cone. Around the circular base, what angle to render to. Default 360 degrees
  • closePartialArc : Boolean. If only part of the cone is rendered, Do you want another face/quad to be rendered to "close" the arc. Default false
  • closeCone : Boolean. Do you want the cone base to be rendered. Default true
  • foreignKey : either a number value, or a function f(location, i, j), where location is the location of the vertex being considered, and i (radial index), j (longitudinal index) are the index along the current radial/longitudinal rendering respectively.

Shape Create.cuboid ( Object config, Shape shape )

Creates a cuboid. Unlike a true cuboid, this function allows you to specify all 8 points, so you could essentially have a irregular 6 sided 3D polygon.

Note that the faces/sides do not share vertices, as they may need to be coloured differently. The configuration available are:

  • pointStart1 : location point, default [1, 1, 1]
  • pointStart2 : location point, default [1, -1, 1]
  • pointStart3 : location point, default [-1, -1, 1]
  • pointStart4 : location point, default [-1, 1, 1]
  • pointEnd1 : location point, default [1, 1, -1]
  • pointEnd2 : location point, default [1, -1, -1]
  • pointEnd3 : location point, default [-1, -1, -1]
  • pointEnd4 : location point, default [-1, 1, -1]
  • drawFaces : boolean array of size 6. Determines if each face is rendered. Default all true. Face 0 is all the start points, Face 1 is all the end points, and the subsequent 4 faces
  • longRes : "longitudinal resolution". The quad will be made up of smaller triangles/rectangles with the length/width no larger than this value. Default 5000
  • foreignKey : either a number value, or a function f(location, ref), where location is the location of the vertex being considered, and ref is the face of the cuboid (0-5) being considered.

Shape Create.cylinder ( Object config, Shape shape )

Creates an cylinder.

  • startPoint : location point, default [0, 0, -1]. This is the center of the base of the cone
  • startRadius : The radius of the cylinder on the startPoint end. Default 1.
  • endPoint : location point, default [0, 0, 1]. This is the top "pointy" point of the cone
  • endRadius : The radius of the cylinder on the endPoint end. Default 1.
  • longRes : "longitudinal resolution". The cylinder, lengthwise, will be made up of smaller triangles/rectangles with the length no larger than this value. Default 5000
  • radialRes : "radial resolution". Around the cylinder will be rendered by the number of points specified. This will be reduced if only part of the cylinder is rendered. Default 30, Minimum 4
  • angleStart : Only specify if rendering part of the cylinder. Around the cylinder, what angle to render from. Default 0 degrees
  • angleEnd : Only specify if rendering part of the cylinder. Around the cylinder, what angle to render to. Default 360 degrees
  • closePartialArc : Boolean. If only part of the cylinder is rendered, Do you want another face/quad to be rendered to "close" the arc. Default false
  • closeStart : Boolean. Do you want the circle of the startPoint end to be rendered. Default true
  • closeEnd : Boolean. Do you want the circle of the endPoint end to be rendered. Default true
  • foreignKey : either a number value, or a function f(location, i, j), where location is the location of the vertex being considered, and i (radial index), j (longitudinal index) are the index along the current radial/longitudinal rendering respectively.

Shape Create.disc ( Object config, Shape shape )

Creates a disc. A Disc is essentially a "hollow" cylinder, being rendered from two (one inner, one outer) cylinders.

  • startPoint : location point, default [0, 0, -1]. This is the center of the base of the cone
  • startInnerRadius : The radius of the inner cylinder on the startPoint end. Default 0.25.
  • startOuterRadius : The radius of the outer cylinder on the startPoint end. Default 1.
  • endPoint : location point, default [0, 0, 1]. This is the top "pointy" point of the cone
  • endInnerRadius : The radius of the inner cylinder on the startPoint end. Default 025.
  • endOuterRadius : The radius of the outer cylinder on the startPoint end. Default 1.
  • longRes : "longitudinal resolution". The disc, lengthwise, will be made up of smaller triangles/rectangles with the length no larger than this value. Default 5000
  • radialRes : "radial resolution". Around the disc will be rendered by the number of points specified. This will be reduced if only part of the disc is rendered. Default 30, Minimum 4
  • angleStart : Only specify if rendering part of the disc. Around the disc, what angle to render from. Default 0 degrees
  • angleEnd : Only specify if rendering part of the disc. Around the disc, what angle to render to. Default 360 degrees
  • closePartialArc : Boolean. If only part of the disc is rendered, Do you want another face/quad to be rendered to "close" the arc. Default false
  • closeStart : Boolean. Do you want the hollow circle of the startPoint end to be rendered. Default true
  • closeEnd : Boolean. Do you want the hollow circle of the endPoint end to be rendered. Default true
  • foreignKey : either a number value, or a function f(location, i, j), where location is the location of the vertex being considered, and i (radial index), j (longitudinal index) are the index along the current radial/longitudinal rendering respectively.

Shape Create.ellipsoid ( Object config, Shape shape )

Creates an ellipsoid using UV mapping. An ellipsoid is a sphere with different radii along three axes. You can configure it to generate only part of the ellipsoid. The configuration available are:

  • centrePoint : location point, default [0, 0, 0]
  • axis1 : Point representing vector for the direction of axis 1. Expected to be perpendiucular to all other axis. Default x-axis.
  • axis2 : Point representing vector for the direction of axis 2. Expected to be perpendiucular to all other axis. Default y-axis.
  • axis3 : Point representing vector for the direction of axis 3. Expected to be perpendiucular to all other axis. Default z-axis. This is the direction of the UV mapping.
  • radius1 : The ellipsoid is initially generated so its "axis3" is the radius of the ellipsoid along the x-axis, default 0.5.
  • radius2 : The ellipsoid is initially generated so its "axis3" is the radius of the ellipsoid along the y-axis, default 1.
  • radius3 : The ellipsoid is initially generated so its "axis3" is the radius of the ellipsoid along the z-axis, default 2.
  • radialRes : "radial resolution". Around the ellipsoid will be rendered by the number of points specified. This will be reduced if only part of the ellipsoid is rendered. Default 30, Minimum 4
  • thetaRes : "theta resolution". Around the xz/yz plane, will be rendered by the number of points specified. This will be reduced if only part of the ellipsoid is rendered. Default 30, Miniumum 4
  • angleStart : Only specify if rendering part of the ellipsoid. Around the xy plane, what angle to render from. Default 0 degrees
  • angleEnd : Only specify if rendering part of the ellipsoid. Around the xy plane, what angle to render to. Default 360 degrees
  • thetaStart : Only specify if rendering part of the ellipsoid. Around the xz/yz plane, what angle to render from. Default/Min 0 degrees
  • thetaEnd : Only specify if rendering part of the ellipsoid. Around the xz/yz plane, what angle to render to. Default/Max 180 degrees
  • closePartialArc : Boolean. If only part of the ellipsoid is rendered, Do you want another face/quad to be rendered to "close" the arc. Default false
  • foreignKey : either a number value, or a function f(location, i, j), where location is the location of the vertex being considered, and i (radial index), j (theta index) are the index along the current radial/theta rendering respectively.

Shape Create.frame ( Object config, Shape shape )

A frame creates an "outline" of a box and is used to specify an area. Unlike the cuboid function, you only specify the max and min points of the box - the box is forced to be regular.

  • minPoint : location point, default [-10, -10, -10]. This determines the lowest corner of the box
  • maxPoint : location point, default [10, 10, 10]. This determines the highest corner of the box
  • frameThickness : point representing vector. The thinkness of the frame in the xyz axes. Default [0.5, 0.5, 0.5].
  • foreignKey : either a number value, or a function f(location), where location is the location of the vertex being considered.

Shape Create.icosphere ( Object config, Shape shape )

An icosphere is a sphere. Compared to the UV sphere it looks more regular. There is currently no support for only rendering part of this sphere.

  • centrePoint : location point, default [0, 0, 0]. This is the center of the sphere
  • radius : The radius of the sphere. Default 1.
  • refines : The sphere starts out as a icosahedron, and then each triangle is refined into 4 triangles. This specifies the number of refines performed. The higher number of refines, the more it looks like a sphere. Do note that it gets very computationally expensive at higher values. Default 2.
  • foreignKey : either a number value, or a function f(location), where location is the location of the vertex being considered.

Refer to http://blog.andreaskahler.com/2009/06/creating-icosphere-mesh-in-code.html for a good description of UV vs ico spheres, and how the icosphere looks between 1-3 refines

Shape Create.pyramid ( Object config, Shape shape )

Creates a pyramid. Note that the faces/sides do not share vertices, as they may need to be coloured differently. The configuration available are:

  • pointTop : location point, default [0, 0, 1]
  • pointBase1 : location point, default [1, 1, -1]
  • pointBase2 : location point, default [1, -1, -1]
  • pointBase3 : location point, default [-1, -1, -1]
  • pointBase4 : location point, default [-1, 1, -1]
  • drawFaces : boolean array of size 5. Determines if each face is rendered. Default all true. Face 0 is all the base points and the subsequent 4 triangle faces
  • longRes : "longitudinal resolution". The quad will be made up of smaller triangles/rectangles with the length/width no larger than this value. Default 5000
  • foreignKey : either a number value, or a function f(location, ref), where location is the location of the vertex being considered, and ref is the face of the pyramid (0-4) being considered.

Shape Create.quad ( Object config, Shape shape )

Creates a rectangle. The configuration available are:

  • point1 : location point, default [1, 0, 1]
  • point2 : location point, default [1, 0, -1]
  • point3 : location point, default [-1, 0, -1]
  • point4 : location point, default [-1, 0, 1]
  • longRes : "longitudinal resolution". The quad will be made up of smaller triangles/rectangles with the length/width no larger than this value. Default 5000
  • foreignKey : either a number value, or a function f(location), where location is the location of the vertex being considered.

Shape Create.sphere ( Object config, Shape shape )

Creates a sphere using UV mapping. You can configure it to generate only part of the sphere. The configuration available are:

  • centrePoint : location point, default [0, 0, 0]
  • radius : Radius of the sphere
  • radialRes : "radial resolution". Around the sphere will be rendered by the number of points specified. This will be reduced if only part of the sphere is rendered. Default 30, Minimum 4
  • thetaRes : "theta resolution". Around the xz/yz plane, will be rendered by the number of points specified. This will be reduced if only part of the sphere is rendered. Default 30, Miniumum 4
  • angleStart : Only specify if rendering part of the sphere. Around the xy plane, what angle to render from. Default 0 degrees
  • angleEnd : Only specify if rendering part of the sphere. Around the xy plane, what angle to render to. Default 360 degrees
  • thetaStart : Only specify if rendering part of the sphere. Around the xz/yz plane, what angle to render from. Default/Min 0 degrees
  • thetaEnd : Only specify if rendering part of the sphere. Around the xz/yz plane, what angle to render to. Default/Max 180 degrees
  • closePartialArc : Boolean. If only part of the sphere is rendered, Do you want another face/quad to be rendered to "close" the arc. Default false
  • dirVector : Point representing vector. As described above, the sphere is initially generated so that the "length" of the sphere is in the direction of the z-axis. Specify another vector here and the sphere will be generated in the direction specified.
  • foreignKey : either a number value, or a function f(location, i, j), where location is the location of the vertex being considered, and i (radial index), j (theta index) are the index along the current radial/theta rendering respectively.

Shape Create.spheroid ( Object config, Shape shape )

Creates a spheroid using UV mapping. A spheroid is a sphere with different radii along two axes, so you could generate a stretched "egg". You can configure it to generate only part of the spheroid. The configuration available are:

  • centrePoint : location point, default [0, 0, 0]
  • longRadius : The spheroid is initially generated so its "longRadius" is the max radius of the spheroid along the z-axis, default 2.
  • widthRadius : The spheroid is initially generated so its "widthRadius" is the radius of the spheroid in the xy plane, default 1.
  • radialRes : "radial resolution". Around the spheroid will be rendered by the number of points specified. This will be reduced if only part of the spheroid is rendered. Default 30, Minimum 4
  • thetaRes : "theta resolution". Around the xz/yz plane, will be rendered by the number of points specified. This will be reduced if only part of the spheroid is rendered. Default 30, Miniumum 4
  • angleStart : Only specify if rendering part of the spheroid. Around the xy plane, what angle to render from. Default 0 degrees
  • angleEnd : Only specify if rendering part of the spheroid. Around the xy plane, what angle to render to. Default 360 degrees
  • thetaStart : Only specify if rendering part of the spheroid. Around the xz/yz plane, what angle to render from. Default/Min 0 degrees
  • thetaEnd : Only specify if rendering part of the spheroid. Around the xz/yz plane, what angle to render to. Default/Max 180 degrees
  • closePartialArc : Boolean. If only part of the spheroid is rendered, Do you want another face/quad to be rendered to "close" the arc. Default false
  • dirVector : Point representing vector. As described above, the spheroid is initially generated so that the "length" of the spheroid is in the direction of the z-axis. Specify another vector here and the spheroid will be generated in the direction specified.
  • foreignKey : either a number value, or a function f(location, i, j), where location is the location of the vertex being considered, and i (radial index), j (theta index) are the index along the current radial/theta rendering respectively.

Shape Create.triangle ( Object config, Shape shape )

Creates a triangle. The configuration available are:

  • point1 : location point, default [0, 0, 1]
  • point2 : location point, default [1, 0, -1]
  • point3 : location point, default [-1, 0, -1]
  • longRes : "longitudinal resolution". The quad will be made up of smaller triangles/rectangles with the length/width no larger than this value. Default 5000
  • foreignKey : either a number value, or a function f(location), where location is the location of the vertex being considered.

LineHandle Graphics.createLine ( LineHandle ↑LineHandle, LinesAdapter ↓LinesAdapter, Point ↓location, Number ↓fk )

Creates a new LineHandle (which represents a new line) for the LinesAdapter provided. Optionally takes in a location and fk - which then forms the first vertex of this line

LinesAdapter Graphics.createLinesAdapter ( Table ↓Vertices, Function ↓write_VID, Function ↓write_Location, Function ↓write_FK, Table ↓Lines, Function ↓write_ID, Function ↓write_LineID, Function ↓write_LineOrder, Function ↓write_VertexID )

Creates a LinesAdapter based on the two input tables and their write functions.

LinesAdapter Graphics.createPresetLinesAdapter ( Table ↓Vertices, Table ↓Lines )

Creates a LinesAdapter based on the two input tables Vertices and Lines. This function assumes the relevant fields in Vertices and Lines are named exactly as expected - ie. for Vertices, "ID" (ids), "Location" (points), "FK" (ids/numbers), and for Faces, "ID", "LineID", "LineOrder", "VertexID" (ids)

GraphicsAdapter Graphics.createAdapter ( Table Vertices, Function write_VID, Function write_Location, Function write_FK, Table Faces, Function write_FID, Function write_V1, Function write_V2, Function write_V3, Function write_V4 )

Creates a GraphicsAdapter based on the two input tables and their write functions.

GraphicsAdapter Graphics.createPresetAdapter ( Table Vertices, Table Faces )

Creates a GraphicsAdapter based on the two input tables Vertices and Faces. This function assumes the relevant fields in Vertices and Faces are named exactly as expected - ie. for Vertices, "ID" (ids), "Location" (points), "FK" (ids), and for Faces, "ID", "V1", "V2", "V3", "V4" (ids)

Shape Op.addShape ( Shape shape, Shape shapeToAdd )

Adds the input shapeToAdd to the input shape.

Shape Op.cloneShape ( Shape shape )

Clones input Shape object and returns the new Shape object

Shape Op.copyShape ( Shape shape, Shape shapeToCopy )

Clears a shape and makes it a copy of another shape.

Shape Op.createShape ( )

Creates an empty Shape object.

Shape Op.rekeyShape ( Shape shape, Function keyFunction )

Modifies the foreign key for the vertices of the input shape

Shape Op.scaleAndWriteShape ( Shape shape, Array vec3, GraphicsAdapter graphicsAdapter )

Writes a scaled version of the shape. Unlike scaleShape, the input shape remains unchanged.

Shape Op.scaleShape ( Shape shape, Array vec3 )

Scales input shape by input vector

Shape Op.scaleTranslateAndWriteShape ( Shape shape, Array scale3, Array translate3, GraphicsAdapter graphicsAdapter )

Writes a scaled and translated version of the shape. The current shape is not modified.

Shape Op.transform3AndWriteShape ( Shape shape, glMatrix mat3, GraphicsAdapter graphicsAdapter )

Writes a transformed version of the shape. Unlike transform3Shape, the input shape remains unchanged.

Shape Op.transform3Shape ( Shape shape, glMatrix mat3 )

Transforms input shape by input 3x3 matrix

Shape Op.transform4AndWriteShape ( Shape shape, glMatrix mat4, GraphicsAdapter graphicsAdapter )

Writes a transformed version of the shape. Unlike transform4Shape, the input shape remains unchanged.

Shape Op.transform4Shape ( Shape shape, glMatrix mat4 )

Transforms input shape by input 4x4 matrix

Shape Op.transformViaFunctionAndWriteShape ( Shape shape, Function func_vec3, GraphicsAdapter graphicsAdapter )

Writes a transformed version of the shape. Unlike transformViaFunctionShape, the input shape remains unchanged. The transformation uses a function w = f(v), where v is an input Point and w is the returned Point. The function may modify and return the original Point rather than create a new Point.

Shape Op.transformViaFunctionShape ( Shape shape, Function func_vec3 )

Transforms input shape by a function w = f(v), where v is an input Point and w is the returned Point. The function may modify and return the original Point rather than create a new Point.

Shape Op.translateAndWriteShape ( Shape shape, Array vec3, GraphicsAdapter graphicsAdapter )

Writes a translated version of the shape. Unlike translateShape, the input shape remains unchanged.

Shape Op.translateShape ( Shape shape, Array vec3 )

Translates input shape by input vector

Op.writeShape ( Shape shape, GraphicsAdapter graphicsAdapter )

Writes a Shape to a GraphicsAdapter object.

Constant Library Path.Matrix

- an instance of the glMatrix library that Xshapes uses.

Constant Object Path.shapeCommonDefaults

- common defaults for shapes.

Number Path.cubicBezier ( LineHandle ↓LineHandle, Point ↓point1, Point ↓point2, Point ↓point3, Point ↓point4, Number ↓fk, Number ↓numPoints, Boolean ↓excludeFirst )

Plots a cubic bezier path from point 1 to point 4 using points 2 and 3 as a reference point and writes it to the specified LineHandle.

Number Path.cubicBezierSmart ( LineHandle ↓LineHandle, Point ↓point1, Point ↓point2, Point ↓point3, Point ↓point4, Number ↓fk, Number ↓threshold, Boolean ↓excludeFirst )

Plots a cubic bezier path from point 1 to point 4 using points 2 and 3 as a reference point and writes it to the specified LineHandle. The smart variant of this function auto-generates the number of points required so that the distance between two points on the path is close to the threshold distance

Number Path.linear ( LineHandle ↓LineHandle, Point ↓point1, Point ↓point2, Number ↓fk, Number ↓numPoints, Boolean ↓excludeFirst )

Plots a linear path from point 1 to point 2 and writes it to the specified LineHandle.

Number Path.linearSmart ( LineHandle ↓LineHandle, Point ↓point1, Point ↓point2, Number ↓fk, Number ↓threshold, Boolean ↓excludeFirst )

Plots a linear path from point 1 to point 2 and writes it to the specified LineHandle. The smart variant of this function auto-generates the number of points required so that the distance between two points on the path is at most the threshold distance

Number Path.quadraticBezier ( LineHandle ↓LineHandle, Point ↓point1, Point ↓point2, Point ↓point3, Number ↓fk, Number ↓numPoints, Boolean ↓excludeFirst )

Plots a quadratic bezier path from point 1 to point 3 using point2 as a reference point and writes it to the specified LineHandle.

Number Path.quadraticBezierSmart ( LineHandle ↓LineHandle, Point ↓point1, Point ↓point2, Point ↓point3, Number ↓fk, Number ↓threshold, Boolean ↓excludeFirst )

Plots a quadratic bezier path from point 1 to point 3 using point2 as a reference point and writes it to the specified LineHandle. The smart variant of this function auto-generates the number of points required so that the distance between two points on the path is close to the threshold distance

Shape Simple.arrow ( Shape ⇅shapeToAddTo, Point ↓startPoint, Point ↓endPoint, Number ↓foreignKey )

Creates an arrow.

Shape Simple.arrowScaled ( Shape ⇅shapeToAddTo, Point ↓startPoint, Point ↓endPoint, Number ↓foreignKey, Number ↓maxArrowHeadLength, Number ↓maxArrowHeadRatio, Number ↓maxArrowHeadWidth, Number ↓maxLineWidth, Number ↓minArrowHeadWidth, Number ↓minLineWidth )

Creates an arrow. Normally arrows are scaled according to their length. This function will scale the arrowhead to a maximum size (defined by max arrow head length), such that - when the length of the arrow is small, the arrowhead is scaled. When the length of the arrow is large, the arrowhead scales up to a max size, above this size only the body of the arrow is lengthened but the arrowhead does not scale further.

Shape Simple.circle ( Shape ⇅shapeToAddTo, Point ↓centrePoint, Number ↓radius, Array ↓facing, Number ↓foreignKey )

Creates a circle

Shape Simple.cone ( Shape ⇅shapeToAddTo, Point ↓startPoint, Point ↓endPoint, Number ↓coneRadius, Number ↓foreignKey, Boolean ↓closeCone )

Creates an cone.

Shape Simple.cuboid ( Shape ⇅shapeToAddTo, Point ↓pointStart1, Point ↓pointStart2, Point ↓pointStart3, Point ↓pointStart4, Point ↓pointEnd1, Point ↓pointEnd2, Point ↓pointEnd3, Point ↓pointEnd4, Number ↓foreignKey, Array ↓drawFaces )

Creates a cuboid. You can create a non-regular cuboid using this function - all 8 points are specified.

Shape Simple.cuboidRegular ( Shape ⇅shapeToAddTo, Point ↓minPoint, Point ↓maxPoint, Number ↓foreignKey, Array ↓drawFaces, Boolean ↓independentVertices )

Creates a regular cuboid, by specifying the minimum and maximum 3D points.

Shape Simple.cylinder ( Shape ⇅shapeToAddTo, Point ↓startPoint, Point ↓endPoint, Number ↓startRadius, Number ↓endRadius, Number ↓foreignKey, Boolean ↓closeEnds )

Creates a cylinder.

Shape Simple.disc ( Shape ⇅shapeToAddTo, Point ↓startPoint, Point ↓endPoint, Number ↓startInnerRadius, Number ↓startOuterRadius, Number ↓endInnerRadius, Number ↓endOuterRadius, Number ↓foreignKey, Boolean ↓closeEnds )

Creates a disc - a hollow cylinder with a thickness - made up of an outer and inner cylinder.

Shape Simple.ellipsoid ( Shape ⇅shapeToAddTo, Point ↓centrePoint, Array ↓axis1, Array ↓axis2, Array ↓axis3, Number ↓axis1Radius, Number ↓axis2Radius, Number ↓axis3Radius, Number ↓foreignKey )

Creates an ellipsoid using UV mapping. An ellipsoid is a sphere with different radii along three axes.

Shape Simple.frame ( Shape ⇅shapeToAddTo, Point ↓minPoint, Point ↓maxPoint, Number ↓foreignKey, Array ↓frameThickness )

Creates a frame - an "outline" of a box that could be used to specify an area.

Shape Simple.icosphere ( Shape ⇅shapeToAddTo, Point ↓centrePoint, Number ↓radius, Number ↓foreignKey, Number ↓refines )

Creates a icosphere. Compared to the UV sphere it looks more regular.

Refer to http://blog.andreaskahler.com/2009/06/creating-icosphere-mesh-in-code.html for a good description of UV vs ico spheres, and how the icosphere looks between 1-3 refines

Shape Simple.octArrow ( Shape ⇅shapeToAddTo, Point ↓startPoint, Point ↓endPoint, Number ↓foreignKey )

Creates an octagonal arrow.

Shape Simple.octArrowScaled ( Shape ⇅shapeToAddTo, Point ↓startPoint, Point ↓endPoint, Number ↓foreignKey, Number ↓maxArrowHeadLength, Number ↓maxArrowHeadRatio, Number ↓maxArrowHeadWidth, Number ↓maxLineWidth, Number ↓minArrowHeadWidth, Number ↓minLineWidth )

Creates an octagonal arrow. Normally arrows are scaled according to their length. This function will scale the arrowhead to a maximum size (defined by max arrow head length), such that - when the length of the arrow is small, the arrowhead is scaled. When the length of the arrow is large, the arrowhead scales up to a max size, above this size only the body of the arrow is lengthened but the arrowhead does not scale further.

Shape Simple.pyramid ( Shape ⇅shapeToAddTo, Point ↓pointTop, Point ↓pointBase1, Point ↓pointBase2, Point ↓pointBase3, Point ↓pointBase4, Number ↓foreignKey, Array ↓drawFaces )

Creates a pyramid.

Shape Simple.quad ( Shape ⇅shapeToAddTo, Point ↓point1, Point ↓point2, Point ↓point3, Point ↓point4, Number ↓foreignKey )

Creates a rectangle

Shape Simple.sphere ( Shape ⇅shapeToAddTo, Point ↓centrePoint, Number ↓radius, Array ↓dirVector, Number ↓foreignKey )

Creates a sphere using UV mapping.

Shape Simple.spheroid ( Shape ⇅shapeToAddTo, Point ↓centrePoint, Number ↓widthRadius, Number ↓longRadius, Array ↓dirVector, Number ↓foreignKey )

Creates a spheroid using UV mapping. A spheroid is a sphere with different radii along two axes, so you could generate a stretched "egg".

Shape Simple.tri ( Shape ⇅shapeToAddTo, Point ↓point1, Point ↓point2, Point ↓point3, Number ↓foreignKey )

Creates a triangle

Number Utility.convertQuadsToTris ( Table ↓Faces, Function ↓Faces_read_ID, Function ↓Faces_read_V1, Function ↓Faces_read_V2, Function ↓Faces_read_V3, Function ↓Faces_read_V4, Function ⇅OutputFaces_write_ID, Function ⇅OutputFaces_write_OriginID, Function ⇅OutputFaces_write_V1, Function ⇅OutputFaces_write_V2, Function ⇅OutputFaces_write_V3, Number ↓numExtraFields, Array ↓Faces_extraFieldsArray, Array ⇅OutputFaces_extraFieldsArray )

Converts a Faces table that contains triangles and quads into another Faces table that contains only triangles

Category: Create

These functions create Shape objects. The functions in this category are full constructors that offer the full range of options in constructing each shape, but can be complex or cumbersome to specify. If you are after creating a quick, regular shape, take a look at the Simple category.

shape = Lib.Create.arrow ( config, shape )

Creates an arrow. Vertices are shared between sides.

  • startPoint : location point, default [0, 0, -1]
  • endPoint : location point, default [0, 0, 1]. The arrow head is on the endPoint.
  • arrowHeadWidthValue : The width of the arrow head as a fixed value. This configuration if specified takes precedence over arrowHeadWidthRatio.
  • arrowHeadWidthRatio : The width of the arrow head as a fraction of the arrow length.
  • arrowHeadLengthValue : The length of the arrow head as a fixed value. This configuration if specified takes precedence over arrowHeadLengthRatio. The length of the arrow body would be the length of the whole arrow (as configured from the start and end points) minus the length of the arrow head.
  • arrowHeadLengthRatio : The length of the arrow head as a fraction of the arrow length.
  • lineWidthValue : The width of the arrow body as a fixed value. This configuration if specified takes precedence over lineWidthRatio
  • lineWidthRatio : The width of the arrow body as a fraction of the arrow length.
  • foreignKey : either a number value, or a function f(location), where location is the location of the vertex being considered.

  • Object config - - optional. an object containing configuration with keys/values as described.
  • Shape shape - - shape to add the created arrow to. If null, a new Shape object is created and returned.
Returns: Shape shape
shape = Lib.Create.circle ( config, shape )

Creates a circle. The configuration available are:

  • centrePoint : centre location point, default [0, 0, 0]
  • radius : circle radius, default 1.
  • radialRes : "radial resolution". Around the circle will be rendered by the number of points specified. This will be reduced if only part of the circle is rendered. Default 30, Minimum 4
  • angleStart : Only specify if rendering part of the circle. Around the circle, what angle to render from. Default 0 degrees
  • angleEnd : Only specify if rendering part of the circle. Around the circle, what angle to render to. Default 360 degrees
  • dirVector : Point representing vector. This is the normal vector of the plane that the circle sits on (e.g. the "facing" of the circle)
  • foreignKey : either a number value, or a function f(location, i), where location is the location of the vertex being considered and i is the radial index (-1 for centre).

  • Object config - - optional. an object containing configuration with keys/values as described.
  • Shape shape - - shape to add the created circle to. If null, a new Shape object is created and returned.
Returns: Shape shape
shape = Lib.Create.cone ( config, shape )

Creates an cone.

  • startPoint : location point, default [0, 0, -1]. This is the center of the base of the cone
  • endPoint : location point, default [0, 0, 1]. This is the top "pointy" point of the cone
  • coneRadius : The radius of the base of the cone. Default 1.
  • longRes : "longitudinal resolution". The cone, lengthwise, will be made up of smaller triangles/rectangles with the length no larger than this value. Default 5000
  • radialRes : "radial resolution". Around the cone will be rendered by the number of points specified. This will be reduced if only part of the cone is rendered. Default 30, Minimum 4
  • angleStart : Only specify if rendering part of the cone. Around the circular base, what angle to render from. Default 0 degrees
  • angleEnd : Only specify if rendering part of the cone. Around the circular base, what angle to render to. Default 360 degrees
  • closePartialArc : Boolean. If only part of the cone is rendered, Do you want another face/quad to be rendered to "close" the arc. Default false
  • closeCone : Boolean. Do you want the cone base to be rendered. Default true
  • foreignKey : either a number value, or a function f(location, i, j), where location is the location of the vertex being considered, and i (radial index), j (longitudinal index) are the index along the current radial/longitudinal rendering respectively.

  • Object config - - optional. an object containing configuration with keys/values as described.
  • Shape shape - - shape to add the created cone to. If null, a new Shape object is created and returned.
Returns: Shape shape
shape = Lib.Create.cuboid ( config, shape )

Creates a cuboid. Unlike a true cuboid, this function allows you to specify all 8 points, so you could essentially have a irregular 6 sided 3D polygon.

Note that the faces/sides do not share vertices, as they may need to be coloured differently. The configuration available are:

  • pointStart1 : location point, default [1, 1, 1]
  • pointStart2 : location point, default [1, -1, 1]
  • pointStart3 : location point, default [-1, -1, 1]
  • pointStart4 : location point, default [-1, 1, 1]
  • pointEnd1 : location point, default [1, 1, -1]
  • pointEnd2 : location point, default [1, -1, -1]
  • pointEnd3 : location point, default [-1, -1, -1]
  • pointEnd4 : location point, default [-1, 1, -1]
  • drawFaces : boolean array of size 6. Determines if each face is rendered. Default all true. Face 0 is all the start points, Face 1 is all the end points, and the subsequent 4 faces
  • longRes : "longitudinal resolution". The quad will be made up of smaller triangles/rectangles with the length/width no larger than this value. Default 5000
  • foreignKey : either a number value, or a function f(location, ref), where location is the location of the vertex being considered, and ref is the face of the cuboid (0-5) being considered.

  • Object config - - optional. an object containing configuration with keys/values as described.
  • Shape shape - - shape to add the created cuboid to. If null, a new Shape object is created and returned.
Returns: Shape shape
shape = Lib.Create.cylinder ( config, shape )

Creates an cylinder.

  • startPoint : location point, default [0, 0, -1]. This is the center of the base of the cone
  • startRadius : The radius of the cylinder on the startPoint end. Default 1.
  • endPoint : location point, default [0, 0, 1]. This is the top "pointy" point of the cone
  • endRadius : The radius of the cylinder on the endPoint end. Default 1.
  • longRes : "longitudinal resolution". The cylinder, lengthwise, will be made up of smaller triangles/rectangles with the length no larger than this value. Default 5000
  • radialRes : "radial resolution". Around the cylinder will be rendered by the number of points specified. This will be reduced if only part of the cylinder is rendered. Default 30, Minimum 4
  • angleStart : Only specify if rendering part of the cylinder. Around the cylinder, what angle to render from. Default 0 degrees
  • angleEnd : Only specify if rendering part of the cylinder. Around the cylinder, what angle to render to. Default 360 degrees
  • closePartialArc : Boolean. If only part of the cylinder is rendered, Do you want another face/quad to be rendered to "close" the arc. Default false
  • closeStart : Boolean. Do you want the circle of the startPoint end to be rendered. Default true
  • closeEnd : Boolean. Do you want the circle of the endPoint end to be rendered. Default true
  • foreignKey : either a number value, or a function f(location, i, j), where location is the location of the vertex being considered, and i (radial index), j (longitudinal index) are the index along the current radial/longitudinal rendering respectively.

  • Object config - - optional. an object containing configuration with keys/values as described.
  • Shape shape - - shape to add the created cylinder to. If null, a new Shape object is created and returned.
Returns: Shape shape
shape = Lib.Create.disc ( config, shape )

Creates a disc. A Disc is essentially a "hollow" cylinder, being rendered from two (one inner, one outer) cylinders.

  • startPoint : location point, default [0, 0, -1]. This is the center of the base of the cone
  • startInnerRadius : The radius of the inner cylinder on the startPoint end. Default 0.25.
  • startOuterRadius : The radius of the outer cylinder on the startPoint end. Default 1.
  • endPoint : location point, default [0, 0, 1]. This is the top "pointy" point of the cone
  • endInnerRadius : The radius of the inner cylinder on the startPoint end. Default 025.
  • endOuterRadius : The radius of the outer cylinder on the startPoint end. Default 1.
  • longRes : "longitudinal resolution". The disc, lengthwise, will be made up of smaller triangles/rectangles with the length no larger than this value. Default 5000
  • radialRes : "radial resolution". Around the disc will be rendered by the number of points specified. This will be reduced if only part of the disc is rendered. Default 30, Minimum 4
  • angleStart : Only specify if rendering part of the disc. Around the disc, what angle to render from. Default 0 degrees
  • angleEnd : Only specify if rendering part of the disc. Around the disc, what angle to render to. Default 360 degrees
  • closePartialArc : Boolean. If only part of the disc is rendered, Do you want another face/quad to be rendered to "close" the arc. Default false
  • closeStart : Boolean. Do you want the hollow circle of the startPoint end to be rendered. Default true
  • closeEnd : Boolean. Do you want the hollow circle of the endPoint end to be rendered. Default true
  • foreignKey : either a number value, or a function f(location, i, j), where location is the location of the vertex being considered, and i (radial index), j (longitudinal index) are the index along the current radial/longitudinal rendering respectively.

  • Object config - - optional. an object containing configuration with keys/values as described.
  • Shape shape - - shape to add the created disc to. If null, a new Shape object is created and returned.
Returns: Shape shape
shape = Lib.Create.ellipsoid ( config, shape )

Creates an ellipsoid using UV mapping. An ellipsoid is a sphere with different radii along three axes. You can configure it to generate only part of the ellipsoid. The configuration available are:

  • centrePoint : location point, default [0, 0, 0]
  • axis1 : Point representing vector for the direction of axis 1. Expected to be perpendiucular to all other axis. Default x-axis.
  • axis2 : Point representing vector for the direction of axis 2. Expected to be perpendiucular to all other axis. Default y-axis.
  • axis3 : Point representing vector for the direction of axis 3. Expected to be perpendiucular to all other axis. Default z-axis. This is the direction of the UV mapping.
  • radius1 : The ellipsoid is initially generated so its "axis3" is the radius of the ellipsoid along the x-axis, default 0.5.
  • radius2 : The ellipsoid is initially generated so its "axis3" is the radius of the ellipsoid along the y-axis, default 1.
  • radius3 : The ellipsoid is initially generated so its "axis3" is the radius of the ellipsoid along the z-axis, default 2.
  • radialRes : "radial resolution". Around the ellipsoid will be rendered by the number of points specified. This will be reduced if only part of the ellipsoid is rendered. Default 30, Minimum 4
  • thetaRes : "theta resolution". Around the xz/yz plane, will be rendered by the number of points specified. This will be reduced if only part of the ellipsoid is rendered. Default 30, Miniumum 4
  • angleStart : Only specify if rendering part of the ellipsoid. Around the xy plane, what angle to render from. Default 0 degrees
  • angleEnd : Only specify if rendering part of the ellipsoid. Around the xy plane, what angle to render to. Default 360 degrees
  • thetaStart : Only specify if rendering part of the ellipsoid. Around the xz/yz plane, what angle to render from. Default/Min 0 degrees
  • thetaEnd : Only specify if rendering part of the ellipsoid. Around the xz/yz plane, what angle to render to. Default/Max 180 degrees
  • closePartialArc : Boolean. If only part of the ellipsoid is rendered, Do you want another face/quad to be rendered to "close" the arc. Default false
  • foreignKey : either a number value, or a function f(location, i, j), where location is the location of the vertex being considered, and i (radial index), j (theta index) are the index along the current radial/theta rendering respectively.

  • Object config - - optional. an object containing configuration with keys/values as described.
  • Shape shape - - shape to add the created ellipsoid to. If null, a new Shape object is created and returned.
Returns: Shape shape
shape = Lib.Create.frame ( config, shape )

A frame creates an "outline" of a box and is used to specify an area. Unlike the cuboid function, you only specify the max and min points of the box - the box is forced to be regular.

  • minPoint : location point, default [-10, -10, -10]. This determines the lowest corner of the box
  • maxPoint : location point, default [10, 10, 10]. This determines the highest corner of the box
  • frameThickness : point representing vector. The thinkness of the frame in the xyz axes. Default [0.5, 0.5, 0.5].
  • foreignKey : either a number value, or a function f(location), where location is the location of the vertex being considered.

  • Object config - - optional. an object containing configuration with keys/values as described.
  • Shape shape - - shape to add the created frame to. If null, a new Shape object is created and returned.
Returns: Shape shape
shape = Lib.Create.icosphere ( config, shape )

An icosphere is a sphere. Compared to the UV sphere it looks more regular. There is currently no support for only rendering part of this sphere.

  • centrePoint : location point, default [0, 0, 0]. This is the center of the sphere
  • radius : The radius of the sphere. Default 1.
  • refines : The sphere starts out as a icosahedron, and then each triangle is refined into 4 triangles. This specifies the number of refines performed. The higher number of refines, the more it looks like a sphere. Do note that it gets very computationally expensive at higher values. Default 2.
  • foreignKey : either a number value, or a function f(location), where location is the location of the vertex being considered.

Refer to http://blog.andreaskahler.com/2009/06/creating-icosphere-mesh-in-code.html for a good description of UV vs ico spheres, and how the icosphere looks between 1-3 refines

  • Object config - - optional. an object containing configuration with keys/values as described.
  • Shape shape - - shape to add the created icosphere to. If null, a new Shape object is created and returned.
Returns: Shape shape
shape = Lib.Create.pyramid ( config, shape )

Creates a pyramid. Note that the faces/sides do not share vertices, as they may need to be coloured differently. The configuration available are:

  • pointTop : location point, default [0, 0, 1]
  • pointBase1 : location point, default [1, 1, -1]
  • pointBase2 : location point, default [1, -1, -1]
  • pointBase3 : location point, default [-1, -1, -1]
  • pointBase4 : location point, default [-1, 1, -1]
  • drawFaces : boolean array of size 5. Determines if each face is rendered. Default all true. Face 0 is all the base points and the subsequent 4 triangle faces
  • longRes : "longitudinal resolution". The quad will be made up of smaller triangles/rectangles with the length/width no larger than this value. Default 5000
  • foreignKey : either a number value, or a function f(location, ref), where location is the location of the vertex being considered, and ref is the face of the pyramid (0-4) being considered.

  • Object config - - optional. an object containing configuration with keys/values as described.
  • Shape shape - - shape to add the created pyramid to. If null, a new Shape object is created and returned.
Returns: Shape shape
shape = Lib.Create.quad ( config, shape )

Creates a rectangle. The configuration available are:

  • point1 : location point, default [1, 0, 1]
  • point2 : location point, default [1, 0, -1]
  • point3 : location point, default [-1, 0, -1]
  • point4 : location point, default [-1, 0, 1]
  • longRes : "longitudinal resolution". The quad will be made up of smaller triangles/rectangles with the length/width no larger than this value. Default 5000
  • foreignKey : either a number value, or a function f(location), where location is the location of the vertex being considered.

  • Object config - - optional. an object containing configuration with keys/values as described.
  • Shape shape - - shape to add the created quad to. If null, a new Shape object is created and returned.
Returns: Shape shape
shape = Lib.Create.sphere ( config, shape )

Creates a sphere using UV mapping. You can configure it to generate only part of the sphere. The configuration available are:

  • centrePoint : location point, default [0, 0, 0]
  • radius : Radius of the sphere
  • radialRes : "radial resolution". Around the sphere will be rendered by the number of points specified. This will be reduced if only part of the sphere is rendered. Default 30, Minimum 4
  • thetaRes : "theta resolution". Around the xz/yz plane, will be rendered by the number of points specified. This will be reduced if only part of the sphere is rendered. Default 30, Miniumum 4
  • angleStart : Only specify if rendering part of the sphere. Around the xy plane, what angle to render from. Default 0 degrees
  • angleEnd : Only specify if rendering part of the sphere. Around the xy plane, what angle to render to. Default 360 degrees
  • thetaStart : Only specify if rendering part of the sphere. Around the xz/yz plane, what angle to render from. Default/Min 0 degrees
  • thetaEnd : Only specify if rendering part of the sphere. Around the xz/yz plane, what angle to render to. Default/Max 180 degrees
  • closePartialArc : Boolean. If only part of the sphere is rendered, Do you want another face/quad to be rendered to "close" the arc. Default false
  • dirVector : Point representing vector. As described above, the sphere is initially generated so that the "length" of the sphere is in the direction of the z-axis. Specify another vector here and the sphere will be generated in the direction specified.
  • foreignKey : either a number value, or a function f(location, i, j), where location is the location of the vertex being considered, and i (radial index), j (theta index) are the index along the current radial/theta rendering respectively.

  • Object config - - optional. an object containing configuration with keys/values as described.
  • Shape shape - - shape to add the created sphere to. If null, a new Shape object is created and returned.
Returns: Shape shape
shape = Lib.Create.spheroid ( config, shape )

Creates a spheroid using UV mapping. A spheroid is a sphere with different radii along two axes, so you could generate a stretched "egg". You can configure it to generate only part of the spheroid. The configuration available are:

  • centrePoint : location point, default [0, 0, 0]
  • longRadius : The spheroid is initially generated so its "longRadius" is the max radius of the spheroid along the z-axis, default 2.
  • widthRadius : The spheroid is initially generated so its "widthRadius" is the radius of the spheroid in the xy plane, default 1.
  • radialRes : "radial resolution". Around the spheroid will be rendered by the number of points specified. This will be reduced if only part of the spheroid is rendered. Default 30, Minimum 4
  • thetaRes : "theta resolution". Around the xz/yz plane, will be rendered by the number of points specified. This will be reduced if only part of the spheroid is rendered. Default 30, Miniumum 4
  • angleStart : Only specify if rendering part of the spheroid. Around the xy plane, what angle to render from. Default 0 degrees
  • angleEnd : Only specify if rendering part of the spheroid. Around the xy plane, what angle to render to. Default 360 degrees
  • thetaStart : Only specify if rendering part of the spheroid. Around the xz/yz plane, what angle to render from. Default/Min 0 degrees
  • thetaEnd : Only specify if rendering part of the spheroid. Around the xz/yz plane, what angle to render to. Default/Max 180 degrees
  • closePartialArc : Boolean. If only part of the spheroid is rendered, Do you want another face/quad to be rendered to "close" the arc. Default false
  • dirVector : Point representing vector. As described above, the spheroid is initially generated so that the "length" of the spheroid is in the direction of the z-axis. Specify another vector here and the spheroid will be generated in the direction specified.
  • foreignKey : either a number value, or a function f(location, i, j), where location is the location of the vertex being considered, and i (radial index), j (theta index) are the index along the current radial/theta rendering respectively.

  • Object config - - optional. an object containing configuration with keys/values as described.
  • Shape shape - - shape to add the created spheroid to. If null, a new Shape object is created and returned.
Returns: Shape shape
shape = Lib.Create.triangle ( config, shape )

Creates a triangle. The configuration available are:

  • point1 : location point, default [0, 0, 1]
  • point2 : location point, default [1, 0, -1]
  • point3 : location point, default [-1, 0, -1]
  • longRes : "longitudinal resolution". The quad will be made up of smaller triangles/rectangles with the length/width no larger than this value. Default 5000
  • foreignKey : either a number value, or a function f(location), where location is the location of the vertex being considered.

  • Object config - - optional. an object containing configuration with keys/values as described.
  • Shape shape - - shape to add the created triangle to. If null, a new Shape object is created and returned.
Returns: Shape shape

Category: Generating lots of shapes efficiently

This is a bad pattern:

let shape = null;
for (let i = 0; i < Minodes.size(); ++i) {
  Data.read_Location(i, config.startPoint);
  config.endPoint[0] = config.startPoint[0];
  config.endPoint[1] = config.startPoint[1];
  config.endPoint[2] = config.startPoint[2]-1;
  config.startRadius = config.endRadius = Data.read_Span(i)/2;
  config.foreignKey = Data.read_ID(i);
  shape = Xshapes.Create.cylinder(config, shape);
shape.writeShape(OutVertices, OutFaces);

Because the shape object will store all faces and vertices internally in JS arrays, and will eventually hit the memory limit (crashing mXrap).

This is a better pattern:
let shape = null;
for (let i = 0; i < Minodes.size(); ++i) {
  Data.read_Location(i, config.startPoint);
  config.endPoint[0] = config.startPoint[0];
  config.endPoint[1] = config.startPoint[1];
  config.endPoint[2] = config.startPoint[2]-1;
  config.startRadius = config.endRadius = Data.read_Span(i)/2;
  config.foreignKey = Data.read_ID(i);
  shape = Xshapes.Create.cylinder(config, shape);
  shape.writeShape(OutVertices, OutFaces);

This is better because the internal verts and faces storage is cleared and reused (efficiently) via the reset() call, and writeShape() writes out the calculated faces and vertices as it goes.

If every object is exactly the same, except for the size and location, there is an even faster way. That is to create the shape once, and then apply a scale and translate transformation while writing out each instance of the shape, like so:
const cylinder = Xshapes.Create.cylinder(config, null);
const scale = [1,1,1];
const centre = [0,0,0];
for (let i = 0; i < Minodes.size(); ++i) {
  Minodes.read_Location(i, centre);
  scale[0] = scale[1] = Minodes.read_Span(i)/2;
  Xshapes.Op.rekeyShape(cylinder, Minodes.read_ID(i));
  cylinder.scaleTranslateAndWriteShape(scale, centre, OutVertices, OutFaces);

The scaleTranslateAndWriteShape function is responsible for transforming the shape's vertices and writing the transformed shape to the output. The rekeyShape function also adjusts the "foreign key", so that the verts have the right foreign IDs for each instance of the shape.

More generally, we can apply a transformation matrix to the vertices of a shape as it is written out, using the transform4AndWriteShape function:

const cylinder = Xshapes.Create.cylinder(config, null);

const rotationQuat = glMatrix.quat.create(); // identity quat const transformMat4 = glMatrix.mat4.create();

for (let i = 0; i < Minodes.size(); ++i) { Minodes.read_Location(i, centre); scale[0] = scale[1] = Minodes.read_Span(i)/2;

glMatrix.mat4.fromRotationTranslationScale(transformMat4, rotationQuat, // rotation quaternion centre, // translation vector scale // scaling vector );

Xshapes.Op.rekeyShape(cylinder, Minodes.read_ID(i)); cylinder.transform4AndWriteShape(transformMat4, OutVertices, OutFaces); }

In this case the transformation matrix method is more verbose than the scaleTranslateAndWriteShape method, but it also allows us to apply rotations to the generated shape. Note that fromRotationTranslationScale is simply a convenience method for building such a transformation matrix; it is also possible to build such a matrix from multiple elementary operations, e.g.:

glMatrix.mat4.translate(transformMat4, transformMat4, planeCentre);
glMatrix.mat4.rotateZ(transformMat4, transformMat4, -strike);
glMatrix.mat4.rotateY(transformMat4, transformMat4, dip);
glMatrix.mat4.rotateZ(transformMat4, transformMat4, rake);

An even more general form of transforming output is available through the transformViaFunctionAndWriteShape method, which accepts a transformation function. The transformation function should receive a vec3 as input, and return a transformed vec3 as output (this is allowed to be the same vec3, for efficiency). As an example:

const myTransform = function(vec) {
  vec[0] = scaleX * vec[0];
  vec[1] = scaleY * vec[1];

glMatrix.vec3.add(vec, vec, offset);

return vec; };

... cylinder.transformViaFunctionAndWriteShape(myTransform, OutVertices, OutFaces);

Category: Graphics

These functions create LinesAdapter(s) and LineHandle(s).

In mXrap, surfaces are rendered using two tables, a Vertices table (describing points) and a Lines table (describing lines by linking line segments defined). A LinesAdapter object contains the configuration required to define what your Vertices and Lines tables are, and the functions to write to the relevant fields.

A LineHandle object is based off a LinesAdapter. It represents a line in progress, which you can extend by adding new vertices. You can create multiple LineHandle objects based off a LinesAdapter, and then concurrently add new vertices to them.

↑LineHandle = Lib.Graphics.createLine ( ↑LineHandle, ↓LinesAdapter, ↓location, ↓fk )

Creates a new LineHandle (which represents a new line) for the LinesAdapter provided. Optionally takes in a location and fk - which then forms the first vertex of this line

  • LineHandle ↑LineHandle - - optional, LineHandle object to replace. A new LineHandle object is created and returned if this is null.
  • LinesAdapter ↓LinesAdapter - - adapter to create this line in.
  • Point ↓location - - location of first vertex, optional
  • Number ↓fk - - key of first vertex, optional. Both location and fk must be provided to add the first vertex.
Returns: LineHandle ↑LineHandle
↑LinesAdapter = Lib.Graphics.createLinesAdapter ( ↓Vertices, ↓write_VID, ↓write_Location, ↓write_FK, ↓Lines, ↓write_ID, ↓write_LineID, ↓write_LineOrder, ↓write_VertexID )

Creates a LinesAdapter based on the two input tables and their write functions.

  • Table ↓Vertices - - vertices table
  • Function ↓write_VID - - write function for vertices table, for an ids column. ID for the vertices table
  • Function ↓write_Location - - write function for vertices table, for a points column. Location of the vertices
  • Function ↓write_FK - - write function for vertices table, for an ids column. Foreign key of the vertices.
  • Table ↓Lines - - lines table
  • Function ↓write_ID - - write function for lines table, for an ids column. Unique ID for the lines table
  • Function ↓write_LineID - - write function for lines table, for an ids column. ID that determines which line this segment refers to.
  • Function ↓write_LineOrder - - write function for lines table, for an ids column. ID that determines the order of the segments of this line
  • Function ↓write_VertexID - - write function for lines table, for an ids column. ID of the vertex for this segment of the line
Returns: LinesAdapter ↑LinesAdapter
↑LinesAdapter = Lib.Graphics.createPresetLinesAdapter ( ↓Vertices, ↓Lines )

Creates a LinesAdapter based on the two input tables Vertices and Lines. This function assumes the relevant fields in Vertices and Lines are named exactly as expected - ie. for Vertices, "ID" (ids), "Location" (points), "FK" (ids/numbers), and for Faces, "ID", "LineID", "LineOrder", "VertexID" (ids)

  • Table ↓Vertices - - Vertices table
  • Table ↓Lines - - Lines table
Returns: LinesAdapter ↑LinesAdapter

Category: Graphics

These functions create GraphicsAdapter(s).

In mXrap, surfaces are rendered using two tables, a Vertices table (describing points) and a Faces table (describing surfaces by linking the points defined). A GraphicsAdapter object contains the configuration required to define what your Vertices and Faces tables are, and the functions to write to the relevant fields.

graphicsAdapter = Lib.Graphics.createAdapter ( Vertices, write_VID, write_Location, write_FK, Faces, write_FID, write_V1, write_V2, write_V3, write_V4 )

Creates a GraphicsAdapter based on the two input tables and their write functions.

  • Table Vertices - - vertices table
  • Function write_VID - - write function for vertices table, for an ids column. ID for the vertices table
  • Function write_Location - - write function for vertices table, for a points column. Location of the vertices
  • Function write_FK - - write function for vertices table, for an ids column. Foreign key of the vertices.
  • Table Faces - - faces table
  • Function write_FID - - write function for faces table, for an ids column. ID for the faces table
  • Function write_V1 - - write function for faces table, for an ids column. ID of the first vertex for this face
  • Function write_V2 - - write function for faces table, for an ids column. ID of the second vertex for this face
  • Function write_V3 - - write function for faces table, for an ids column. ID of the third vertex for this face
  • Function write_V4 - - write function for faces table, for an ids column. ID of the fourth vertex for this face
Returns: GraphicsAdapter graphicsAdapter
graphicsAdapter = Lib.Graphics.createPresetAdapter ( Vertices, Faces )

Creates a GraphicsAdapter based on the two input tables Vertices and Faces. This function assumes the relevant fields in Vertices and Faces are named exactly as expected - ie. for Vertices, "ID" (ids), "Location" (points), "FK" (ids), and for Faces, "ID", "V1", "V2", "V3", "V4" (ids)

  • Table Vertices - - Vertices table
  • Table Faces - - Faces table
Returns: GraphicsAdapter graphicsAdapter

Category: Op

These functions perform operations on Shape objects.

shape = Lib.Op.addShape ( shape, shapeToAdd )

Adds the input shapeToAdd to the input shape.

  • Shape shape - - input shape
  • Shape shapeToAdd - - input shape to be added
Returns: Shape shape - - input shape that was added to
clonedShape = Lib.Op.cloneShape ( shape )

Clones input Shape object and returns the new Shape object

Parameters: Returns: Shape clonedShape
shape = Lib.Op.copyShape ( shape, shapeToCopy )

Clears a shape and makes it a copy of another shape.

  • Shape shape - - shape to be cleared and made a copy of the other specified shape
  • Shape shapeToCopy - - shape to copy
Returns: Shape shape - - first input shape
shape = Lib.Op.createShape ( )

Creates an empty Shape object.

Returns: Shape shape
shape = Lib.Op.rekeyShape ( shape, keyFunction )

Modifies the foreign key for the vertices of the input shape

  • Shape shape - - input shape
  • Function keyFunction - - you can specify either a value here (then the Shape will have that value for its foreign key), or a function f(location, oldKey) where location is the location of each vertex, and oldKey is the current value of the foreign key for that vertex.
Returns: Shape shape - - input shape that was rekeyed
shape = Lib.Op.scaleAndWriteShape ( shape, vec3, graphicsAdapter )

Writes a scaled version of the shape. Unlike scaleShape, the input shape remains unchanged.

  • Shape shape - - input shape
  • Array vec3 - - vector defining scaling in the xyz axes
  • GraphicsAdapter graphicsAdapter - - the graphics adapter to write to
Returns: Shape shape - - input shape
shape = Lib.Op.scaleShape ( shape, vec3 )

Scales input shape by input vector

  • Shape shape - - input shape
  • Array vec3 - - vector defining scaling in the xyz axes
Returns: Shape shape - - input shape that was scaled
shape = Lib.Op.scaleTranslateAndWriteShape ( shape, scale3, translate3, graphicsAdapter )

Writes a scaled and translated version of the shape. The current shape is not modified.

  • Shape shape - - input shape
  • Array scale3 - - input array of 3 elements. First element is scaling for x-axis, second element is scaling for y-axis, third element is scaling for z-axis
  • Array translate3 - - input array of 3 elements defining the vector by which to translate the shape.
  • GraphicsAdapter graphicsAdapter - - the graphics adapter to write to
Returns: Shape shape - - input shape
shape = Lib.Op.transform3AndWriteShape ( shape, mat3, graphicsAdapter )

Writes a transformed version of the shape. Unlike transform3Shape, the input shape remains unchanged.

  • Shape shape - - input shape
  • glMatrix mat3 - - 3x3 matrix defining transformation. Matrix is an array with elements defined according to glMatrix library
  • GraphicsAdapter graphicsAdapter - - the graphics adapter to write to
Returns: Shape shape - - input shape
shape = Lib.Op.transform3Shape ( shape, mat3 )

Transforms input shape by input 3x3 matrix

  • Shape shape - - input shape
  • glMatrix mat3 - - 3x3 matrix defining transformation. Matrix is an array with elements defined according to glMatrix library
Returns: Shape shape - - input shape that was transformed
shape = Lib.Op.transform4AndWriteShape ( shape, mat4, graphicsAdapter )

Writes a transformed version of the shape. Unlike transform4Shape, the input shape remains unchanged.

  • Shape shape - - input shape
  • glMatrix mat4 - - 4x4 matrix defining transformation. Matrix is an array with elements defined according to glMatrix library
  • GraphicsAdapter graphicsAdapter - - the graphics adapter to write to
Returns: Shape shape - - input shape
shape = Lib.Op.transform4Shape ( shape, mat4 )

Transforms input shape by input 4x4 matrix

  • Shape shape - - input shape
  • glMatrix mat4 - - 4x4 matrix defining transformation. Matrix is an array with elements defined according to glMatrix library
Returns: Shape shape - - input shape that was transformed
shape = Lib.Op.transformViaFunctionAndWriteShape ( shape, func_vec3, graphicsAdapter )

Writes a transformed version of the shape. Unlike transformViaFunctionShape, the input shape remains unchanged. The transformation uses a function w = f(v), where v is an input Point and w is the returned Point. The function may modify and return the original Point rather than create a new Point.

Parameters: Returns: Shape shape - - input shape
shape = Lib.Op.transformViaFunctionShape ( shape, func_vec3 )

Transforms input shape by a function w = f(v), where v is an input Point and w is the returned Point. The function may modify and return the original Point rather than create a new Point.

  • Shape shape - - input shape
  • Function func_vec3 - - input function
Returns: Shape shape - - input shape that was transformed
shape = Lib.Op.translateAndWriteShape ( shape, vec3, graphicsAdapter )

Writes a translated version of the shape. Unlike translateShape, the input shape remains unchanged.

  • Shape shape - - input shape
  • Array vec3 - - vector defining translation
  • GraphicsAdapter graphicsAdapter - - the graphics adapter to write to
Returns: Shape shape - - input shape
shape = Lib.Op.translateShape ( shape, vec3 )

Translates input shape by input vector

  • Shape shape - - input shape
  • Array vec3 - - vector defining translation
Returns: Shape shape - - input shape that was translated
Lib.Op.writeShape ( shape, graphicsAdapter )

Writes a Shape to a GraphicsAdapter object.


Category: Path

These functions plot various curve types along a LineHandle.

↑numPointsWritten = Lib.Path.cubicBezier ( ↓LineHandle, ↓point1, ↓point2, ↓point3, ↓point4, ↓fk, ↓numPoints, ↓excludeFirst )

Plots a cubic bezier path from point 1 to point 4 using points 2 and 3 as a reference point and writes it to the specified LineHandle.

  • LineHandle ↓LineHandle - - the line handle to write to.
  • Point ↓point1 - - point to start the path
  • Point ↓point2 - - reference middle point
  • Point ↓point3 - - reference middle point
  • Point ↓point4 - - point to end the path
  • Number ↓fk - - key for the path (when writing to the LineHandle)
  • Number ↓numPoints - - number of points to generate on the path
  • Boolean ↓excludeFirst - - optional. If true, it excludes the first point on the path. This is useful when generating multiple paths on a single line.
Returns: Number ↑numPointsWritten - - number of points written to the LineHandle
↑numPointsWritten = Lib.Path.cubicBezierSmart ( ↓LineHandle, ↓point1, ↓point2, ↓point3, ↓point4, ↓fk, ↓threshold, ↓excludeFirst )

Plots a cubic bezier path from point 1 to point 4 using points 2 and 3 as a reference point and writes it to the specified LineHandle. The smart variant of this function auto-generates the number of points required so that the distance between two points on the path is close to the threshold distance

  • LineHandle ↓LineHandle - - the line handle to write to.
  • Point ↓point1 - - point to start the path
  • Point ↓point2 - - reference middle point
  • Point ↓point3 - - reference middle point
  • Point ↓point4 - - point to end the path
  • Number ↓fk - - key for the path (when writing to the LineHandle)
  • Number ↓threshold - - threshold distance
  • Boolean ↓excludeFirst - - optional. If true, it excludes the first point on the path. This is useful when generating multiple paths on a single line.
Returns: Number ↑numPointsWritten - - number of points written to the LineHandle
↑numPointsWritten = Lib.Path.linear ( ↓LineHandle, ↓point1, ↓point2, ↓fk, ↓numPoints, ↓excludeFirst )

Plots a linear path from point 1 to point 2 and writes it to the specified LineHandle.

  • LineHandle ↓LineHandle - - the line handle to write to.
  • Point ↓point1 - - point to start the path
  • Point ↓point2 - - point to end the path
  • Number ↓fk - - key for the path (when writing to the LineHandle)
  • Number ↓numPoints - - number of points to generate on the path
  • Boolean ↓excludeFirst - - optional. If true, it excludes the first point on the path. This is useful when generating multiple paths on a single line.
Returns: Number ↑numPointsWritten - - number of points written to the LineHandle
↑numPointsWritten = Lib.Path.linearSmart ( ↓LineHandle, ↓point1, ↓point2, ↓fk, ↓threshold, ↓excludeFirst )

Plots a linear path from point 1 to point 2 and writes it to the specified LineHandle. The smart variant of this function auto-generates the number of points required so that the distance between two points on the path is at most the threshold distance

  • LineHandle ↓LineHandle - - the line handle to write to.
  • Point ↓point1 - - point to start the path
  • Point ↓point2 - - point to end the path
  • Number ↓fk - - key for the path (when writing to the LineHandle)
  • Number ↓threshold - - threshold distance
  • Boolean ↓excludeFirst - - optional. If true, it excludes the first point on the path. This is useful when generating multiple paths on a single line.
Returns: Number ↑numPointsWritten - - number of points written to the LineHandle
↑numPointsWritten = Lib.Path.quadraticBezier ( ↓LineHandle, ↓point1, ↓point2, ↓point3, ↓fk, ↓numPoints, ↓excludeFirst )

Plots a quadratic bezier path from point 1 to point 3 using point2 as a reference point and writes it to the specified LineHandle.

  • LineHandle ↓LineHandle - - the line handle to write to.
  • Point ↓point1 - - point to start the path
  • Point ↓point2 - - reference middle point
  • Point ↓point3 - - point to end the path
  • Number ↓fk - - key for the path (when writing to the LineHandle)
  • Number ↓numPoints - - number of points to generate on the path
  • Boolean ↓excludeFirst - - optional. If true, it excludes the first point on the path. This is useful when generating multiple paths on a single line.
Returns: Number ↑numPointsWritten - - number of points written to the LineHandle
↑numPointsWritten = Lib.Path.quadraticBezierSmart ( ↓LineHandle, ↓point1, ↓point2, ↓point3, ↓fk, ↓threshold, ↓excludeFirst )

Plots a quadratic bezier path from point 1 to point 3 using point2 as a reference point and writes it to the specified LineHandle. The smart variant of this function auto-generates the number of points required so that the distance between two points on the path is close to the threshold distance

  • LineHandle ↓LineHandle - - the line handle to write to.
  • Point ↓point1 - - point to start the path
  • Point ↓point2 - - reference middle point
  • Point ↓point3 - - point to end the path
  • Number ↓fk - - key for the path (when writing to the LineHandle)
  • Number ↓threshold - - threshold distance
  • Boolean ↓excludeFirst - - optional. If true, it excludes the first point on the path. This is useful when generating multiple paths on a single line.
Returns: Number ↑numPointsWritten - - number of points written to the LineHandle

Category: Simple

These functions create Shape objects. The functions in this category are simple constructors that allow you to create shapes quickly with minimal options. If you are after the full range of options for each shape, take a look at the Create category.

↑shape = Lib.Simple.arrow ( ⇅shapeToAddTo, ↓startPoint, ↓endPoint, ↓foreignKey )

Creates an arrow.

  • Shape ⇅shapeToAddTo - - if null, then a new shape is created and returned
  • Point ↓startPoint - - location point
  • Point ↓endPoint - - location point. The arrow head is at the end point.
  • Number ↓foreignKey - - number/ID to associate with vertices
Returns: Shape ↑shape - - specified shape to add to or new shape created.
↑shape = Lib.Simple.arrowScaled ( ⇅shapeToAddTo, ↓startPoint, ↓endPoint, ↓foreignKey, ↓maxArrowHeadLength, ↓maxArrowHeadRatio, ↓maxArrowHeadWidth, ↓maxLineWidth, ↓minArrowHeadWidth, ↓minLineWidth )

Creates an arrow. Normally arrows are scaled according to their length. This function will scale the arrowhead to a maximum size (defined by max arrow head length), such that - when the length of the arrow is small, the arrowhead is scaled. When the length of the arrow is large, the arrowhead scales up to a max size, above this size only the body of the arrow is lengthened but the arrowhead does not scale further.

  • Shape ⇅shapeToAddTo - - if null, then a new shape is created and returned
  • Point ↓startPoint - - location point
  • Point ↓endPoint - - location point. The arrow head is at the end point.
  • Number ↓foreignKey - - number/ID to associate with vertices
  • Number ↓maxArrowHeadLength - - optional parameter, specify max length of the arrow head.
  • Number ↓maxArrowHeadRatio - - optional parameter, usually defaults should suffice
  • Number ↓maxArrowHeadWidth - - optional parameter, usually defaults should suffice
  • Number ↓maxLineWidth - - optional parameter, usually defaults should suffice
  • Number ↓minArrowHeadWidth - - optional parameter, used to have a minimum "width" to an arrow to enhance visibility. Will distort arrow aspect.
  • Number ↓minLineWidth - - optional parameter, used to have a minimum "width" to an arrow to enhance visibility. Will distort arrow aspect.
Returns: Shape ↑shape - - specified shape to add to or new shape created.
↑shape = Lib.Simple.circle ( ⇅shapeToAddTo, ↓centrePoint, ↓radius, ↓facing, ↓foreignKey )

Creates a circle

  • Shape ⇅shapeToAddTo - - if null, then a new shape is created and returned
  • Point ↓centrePoint - - location point of circle center
  • Number ↓radius - - radius of circle
  • Array ↓facing - - vec3 containing normal vector of circle (circle's facing)
  • Number ↓foreignKey - - number/ID to associate with vertices
Returns: Shape ↑shape - - specified shape to add to or new shape created.
↑shape = Lib.Simple.cone ( ⇅shapeToAddTo, ↓startPoint, ↓endPoint, ↓coneRadius, ↓foreignKey, ↓closeCone )

Creates an cone.

  • Shape ⇅shapeToAddTo - - if null, then a new shape is created and returned
  • Point ↓startPoint - - location point - this is the top of the cone
  • Point ↓endPoint - - location point - this is the center of the cone base circle.
  • Number ↓coneRadius - - radius of the cone base circle.
  • Number ↓foreignKey - - number/ID to associate with vertices
  • Boolean ↓closeCone - - optional, whether to render the cone base circle or not. Default true.
Returns: Shape ↑shape - - specified shape to add to or new shape created.
↑shape = Lib.Simple.cuboid ( ⇅shapeToAddTo, ↓pointStart1, ↓pointStart2, ↓pointStart3, ↓pointStart4, ↓pointEnd1, ↓pointEnd2, ↓pointEnd3, ↓pointEnd4, ↓foreignKey, ↓drawFaces )

Creates a cuboid. You can create a non-regular cuboid using this function - all 8 points are specified.

  • Shape ⇅shapeToAddTo - - if null, then a new shape is created and returned
  • Point ↓pointStart1 - - location point
  • Point ↓pointStart2 - - location point
  • Point ↓pointStart3 - - location point
  • Point ↓pointStart4 - - location point
  • Point ↓pointEnd1 - - location point
  • Point ↓pointEnd2 - - location point
  • Point ↓pointEnd3 - - location point
  • Point ↓pointEnd4 - - location point
  • Number ↓foreignKey - - number/ID to associate with vertices
  • Array ↓drawFaces - - optional, a 6 element boolean array to specify which faces to render. Default all true. Face 0 is all the start points, Face 1 is all the end points, and the subsequent 4 faces.
Returns: Shape ↑shape - - specified shape to add to or new shape created.
↑shape = Lib.Simple.cuboidRegular ( ⇅shapeToAddTo, ↓minPoint, ↓maxPoint, ↓foreignKey, ↓drawFaces, ↓independentVertices )

Creates a regular cuboid, by specifying the minimum and maximum 3D points.

  • Shape ⇅shapeToAddTo - - if null, then a new shape is created and returned
  • Point ↓minPoint - - location point
  • Point ↓maxPoint - - location point
  • Number ↓foreignKey - - number/ID to associate with vertices
  • Array ↓drawFaces - - optional, a 6 element boolean array to specify which faces to render. Default all true. Face 0 is all the start points, Face 1 is all the end points, and the subsequent 4 faces.
  • Boolean ↓independentVertices - - optional, if true then each face is guaranteed to have independent vertices (e.g. to allow for different colours on each face).
Returns: Shape ↑shape - - specified shape to add to or new shape created.
↑shape = Lib.Simple.cylinder ( ⇅shapeToAddTo, ↓startPoint, ↓endPoint, ↓startRadius, ↓endRadius, ↓foreignKey, ↓closeEnds )

Creates a cylinder.

  • Shape ⇅shapeToAddTo - - if null, then a new shape is created and returned
  • Point ↓startPoint - - location point - this is the center of one end of the cylinder
  • Point ↓endPoint - - location point - this is the center of the other end of the cylinder.
  • Number ↓startRadius - - radius of the cylinder at the startPoint end.
  • Number ↓endRadius - - radius of the cylinder at the endPoint end.
  • Number ↓foreignKey - - number/ID to associate with vertices
  • Boolean ↓closeEnds - - optional, whether to render the circles at each end. Default true.
Returns: Shape ↑shape - - specified shape to add to or new shape created.
↑shape = Lib.Simple.disc ( ⇅shapeToAddTo, ↓startPoint, ↓endPoint, ↓startInnerRadius, ↓startOuterRadius, ↓endInnerRadius, ↓endOuterRadius, ↓foreignKey, ↓closeEnds )

Creates a disc - a hollow cylinder with a thickness - made up of an outer and inner cylinder.

  • Shape ⇅shapeToAddTo - - if null, then a new shape is created and returned
  • Point ↓startPoint - - location point - this is the center of one end of the disc
  • Point ↓endPoint - - location point - this is the center of the other end of the disc.
  • Number ↓startInnerRadius - - radius of the inner cylinder at the startPoint end.
  • Number ↓startOuterRadius - - radius of the outer cylinder at the startPoint end.
  • Number ↓endInnerRadius - - radius of the inner cylinder at the endPoint end.
  • Number ↓endOuterRadius - - radius of the outer cylinder at the endPoint end.
  • Number ↓foreignKey - - number/ID to associate with vertices
  • Boolean ↓closeEnds - - optional, whether to render the hollow circles at each end. Default true.
Returns: Shape ↑shape - - specified shape to add to or new shape created.
↑shape = Lib.Simple.ellipsoid ( ⇅shapeToAddTo, ↓centrePoint, ↓axis1, ↓axis2, ↓axis3, ↓axis1Radius, ↓axis2Radius, ↓axis3Radius, ↓foreignKey )

Creates an ellipsoid using UV mapping. An ellipsoid is a sphere with different radii along three axes.

  • Shape ⇅shapeToAddTo - - if null, then a new shape is created and returned
  • Point ↓centrePoint - - location point of ellipsoid center
  • Array ↓axis1 - - vec3 containing direction vector of axis 1.
  • Array ↓axis2 - - vec3 containing direction vector of axis 2.
  • Array ↓axis3 - - vec3 containing direction vector of axis 3 - the direction in which the UV mapping points.
  • Number ↓axis1Radius - - radius of ellipsoid along axis 1.
  • Number ↓axis2Radius - - radius of ellipsoid along axis 2.
  • Number ↓axis3Radius - - radius of ellipsoid along axis 3.
  • Number ↓foreignKey - - number/ID to associate with vertices
Returns: Shape ↑shape - - specified shape to add to or new shape created.
↑shape = Lib.Simple.frame ( ⇅shapeToAddTo, ↓minPoint, ↓maxPoint, ↓foreignKey, ↓frameThickness )

Creates a frame - an "outline" of a box that could be used to specify an area.

  • Shape ⇅shapeToAddTo - - if null, then a new shape is created and returned
  • Point ↓minPoint - - location point - this is the min point of the frame
  • Point ↓maxPoint - - location point - this is the max point of the frame
  • Number ↓foreignKey - - number/ID to associate with vertices
  • Array ↓frameThickness - - optional. The thinkness of the frame in the xyz axes. Default [0.5, 0.5, 0.5].
Returns: Shape ↑shape - - specified shape to add to or new shape created.
↑shape = Lib.Simple.icosphere ( ⇅shapeToAddTo, ↓centrePoint, ↓radius, ↓foreignKey, ↓refines )

Creates a icosphere. Compared to the UV sphere it looks more regular.

Refer to http://blog.andreaskahler.com/2009/06/creating-icosphere-mesh-in-code.html for a good description of UV vs ico spheres, and how the icosphere looks between 1-3 refines

  • Shape ⇅shapeToAddTo - - if null, then a new shape is created and returned
  • Point ↓centrePoint - - location point - this is the center of the sphere
  • Number ↓radius - - radius of the sphere
  • Number ↓foreignKey - - number/ID to associate with vertices
  • Number ↓refines - - optional. The sphere starts out as a icosahedron, and then each triangle is refined into 4 triangles. This specifies the number of refines performed. The higher number of refines, the more it looks like a sphere. Do note that it gets very computationally expensive at higher values. Default 2.
Returns: Shape ↑shape - - specified shape to add to or new shape created.
↑shape = Lib.Simple.octArrow ( ⇅shapeToAddTo, ↓startPoint, ↓endPoint, ↓foreignKey )

Creates an octagonal arrow.

  • Shape ⇅shapeToAddTo - - if null, then a new shape is created and returned
  • Point ↓startPoint - - location point
  • Point ↓endPoint - - location point. The arrow head is at the end point.
  • Number ↓foreignKey - - number/ID to associate with vertices
Returns: Shape ↑shape - - specified shape to add to or new shape created.
↑shape = Lib.Simple.octArrowScaled ( ⇅shapeToAddTo, ↓startPoint, ↓endPoint, ↓foreignKey, ↓maxArrowHeadLength, ↓maxArrowHeadRatio, ↓maxArrowHeadWidth, ↓maxLineWidth, ↓minArrowHeadWidth, ↓minLineWidth )

Creates an octagonal arrow. Normally arrows are scaled according to their length. This function will scale the arrowhead to a maximum size (defined by max arrow head length), such that - when the length of the arrow is small, the arrowhead is scaled. When the length of the arrow is large, the arrowhead scales up to a max size, above this size only the body of the arrow is lengthened but the arrowhead does not scale further.

  • Shape ⇅shapeToAddTo - - if null, then a new shape is created and returned
  • Point ↓startPoint - - location point
  • Point ↓endPoint - - location point. The arrow head is at the end point.
  • Number ↓foreignKey - - number/ID to associate with vertices
  • Number ↓maxArrowHeadLength - - optional parameter, specify max length of the arrow head.
  • Number ↓maxArrowHeadRatio - - optional parameter, usually defaults should suffice
  • Number ↓maxArrowHeadWidth - - optional parameter, usually defaults should suffice
  • Number ↓maxLineWidth - - optional parameter, usually defaults should suffice
  • Number ↓minArrowHeadWidth - - optional parameter, used to have a minimum "width" to an arrow to enhance visibility. Will distort arrow aspect.
  • Number ↓minLineWidth - - optional parameter, used to have a minimum "width" to an arrow to enhance visibility. Will distort arrow aspect.
Returns: Shape ↑shape - - specified shape to add to or new shape created.
↑shape = Lib.Simple.pyramid ( ⇅shapeToAddTo, ↓pointTop, ↓pointBase1, ↓pointBase2, ↓pointBase3, ↓pointBase4, ↓foreignKey, ↓drawFaces )

Creates a pyramid.

  • Shape ⇅shapeToAddTo - - if null, then a new shape is created and returned
  • Point ↓pointTop - - location point
  • Point ↓pointBase1 - - location point
  • Point ↓pointBase2 - - location point
  • Point ↓pointBase3 - - location point
  • Point ↓pointBase4 - - location point
  • Number ↓foreignKey - - number/ID to associate with vertices
  • Array ↓drawFaces - - optional, a 5 element boolean array to specify which faces to render. Default all true. Face 0 is all the base points, and the subsequent 4 faces.
Returns: Shape ↑shape - - specified shape to add to or new shape created.
↑shape = Lib.Simple.quad ( ⇅shapeToAddTo, ↓point1, ↓point2, ↓point3, ↓point4, ↓foreignKey )

Creates a rectangle

  • Shape ⇅shapeToAddTo - - if null, then a new shape is created and returned
  • Point ↓point1 - - location point
  • Point ↓point2 - - location point
  • Point ↓point3 - - location point
  • Point ↓point4 - - location point
  • Number ↓foreignKey - - number/ID to associate with vertices
Returns: Shape ↑shape - - specified shape to add to or new shape created.
↑shape = Lib.Simple.sphere ( ⇅shapeToAddTo, ↓centrePoint, ↓radius, ↓dirVector, ↓foreignKey )

Creates a sphere using UV mapping.

  • Shape ⇅shapeToAddTo - - if null, then a new shape is created and returned
  • Point ↓centrePoint - - location point of sphere center
  • Number ↓radius - - radius of sphere
  • Array ↓dirVector - - vec3 containing direction vector of sphere - the direction in which the UV mapping points.
  • Number ↓foreignKey - - number/ID to associate with vertices
Returns: Shape ↑shape - - specified shape to add to or new shape created.
↑shape = Lib.Simple.spheroid ( ⇅shapeToAddTo, ↓centrePoint, ↓widthRadius, ↓longRadius, ↓dirVector, ↓foreignKey )

Creates a spheroid using UV mapping. A spheroid is a sphere with different radii along two axes, so you could generate a stretched "egg".

  • Shape ⇅shapeToAddTo - - if null, then a new shape is created and returned
  • Point ↓centrePoint - - location point of spheroid center
  • Number ↓widthRadius - - radius of spheroid around direction vector
  • Number ↓longRadius - - radius of spheroid along direction vector
  • Array ↓dirVector - - vec3 containing direction vector of spheroid - the direction in which the UV mapping points.
  • Number ↓foreignKey - - number/ID to associate with vertices
Returns: Shape ↑shape - - specified shape to add to or new shape created.
↑shape = Lib.Simple.tri ( ⇅shapeToAddTo, ↓point1, ↓point2, ↓point3, ↓foreignKey )

Creates a triangle

  • Shape ⇅shapeToAddTo - - if null, then a new shape is created and returned
  • Point ↓point1 - - location point
  • Point ↓point2 - - location point
  • Point ↓point3 - - location point
  • Number ↓foreignKey - - number/ID to associate with vertices
Returns: Shape ↑shape - - specified shape to add to or new shape created.

Category: Utility

These functions perform utility operations.

number = Lib.Utility.convertQuadsToTris ( ↓Faces, ↓Faces_read_ID, ↓Faces_read_V1, ↓Faces_read_V2, ↓Faces_read_V3, ↓Faces_read_V4, ⇅OutputFaces_write_ID, ⇅OutputFaces_write_OriginID, ⇅OutputFaces_write_V1, ⇅OutputFaces_write_V2, ⇅OutputFaces_write_V3, ↓numExtraFields, ↓Faces_extraFieldsArray, ⇅OutputFaces_extraFieldsArray )

Converts a Faces table that contains triangles and quads into another Faces table that contains only triangles

  • Table ↓Faces - - the input table
  • Function ↓Faces_read_ID - - the read function for the ID field of the input table
  • Function ↓Faces_read_V1 - - the read function for the Vertices 1 field of the input table
  • Function ↓Faces_read_V2 - - the read function for the Vertices 2 field of the input table
  • Function ↓Faces_read_V3 - - the read function for the Vertices 3 field of the input table
  • Function ↓Faces_read_V4 - - the read function for the Vertices 4 field of the input table
  • Function ⇅OutputFaces_write_ID - - the write function for the ID field of the output table
  • Function ⇅OutputFaces_write_OriginID - - the write function for the OriginID field of the output table - this stores the ID of the input table that this output record comes from
  • Function ⇅OutputFaces_write_V1 - - the write function for the Vertices 1 field of the output table
  • Function ⇅OutputFaces_write_V2 - - the write function for the Vertices 2 field of the output table
  • Function ⇅OutputFaces_write_V3 - - the write function for the Vertices 3 field of the output table
  • Number ↓numExtraFields - - optional, the number of extra fields to bring over from the input table to the output table
  • Array ↓Faces_extraFieldsArray - - optional, an array containing the read functions of the extra fields for the input table
  • Array ⇅OutputFaces_extraFieldsArray - - optional, an array containing the write functions of the extra fields for the output table
Returns: Number number - of records that were written to the output table

Class: GraphicsAdapter

In mXrap, surfaces are rendered using two tables, a Vertices table (describing points) and a Faces table (describing surfaces by linking the points defined). A GraphicsAdapter object contains the configuration required to define what your Vertices and Faces tables are, and the functions to write to the relevant fields.

You can find out from on how to use GraphicsAdapter(s) in the XShapes Tutorial

Member Table Faces

- Table object representing the Faces table. Has write functions for ID, V1, V2, V3, V4 (ids)

Member Table Vertices

- Table object representing the Vertices table. Has write functions for ID (ids), Location (points), FK (ids)

Class: LineHandle

A LineHandle object is based off a LinesAdapter. It represents a line in progress, which you can extend by adding new vertices. You can create multiple LineHandle objects based off a LinesAdapter, and then concurrently add new vertices to them.

You can find out from on how to use LineHandle(s) in the XLines Tutorial

LineHandle addPoint ( Point ↓location, Number ↓fk )

Adds a new vertex (location and fk) for this current line.

LineHandle createNewLine ( LinesAdapter ↓LinesAdapter )

Ends the current line and creates a new line.

LineHandle.addPoint ( ↓location, ↓fk )

Adds a new vertex (location and fk) for this current line.

  • Point ↓location - - the location of the new vertex to add
  • Number ↓fk - - the key of the new vertex to add
Returns: LineHandle LineHandle - - the current LineHandle
LineHandle.createNewLine ( ↓LinesAdapter )

Ends the current line and creates a new line.

  • LinesAdapter ↓LinesAdapter - - optional, the LinesAdapter to create the new line in. If its the same LinesAdapter as before, it can be omitted.
Returns: LineHandle LineHandle - - the current LineHandle

Class: LinesAdapter

In mXrap, surfaces are rendered using two tables, a Vertices table (describing points) and a Lines table (describing lines by linking the points defined). A LinesAdapter object contains the configuration required to define what your Vertices and Lines tables are, and the functions to write to the relevant fields.

You can find out from on how to use LinesAdapter(s) in the XLines Tutorial

Member Table Lines

- Table object representing the Faces table. Has write functions for ID, V1, V2, V3, V4 (ids)

Member Table Vertices

- Table object representing the Vertices table. Has write functions for ID (ids), Location (points), FK (ids)

Class: Shape

A Shape object contains a number of vertices and faces that can be transformed as a whole and then written out to a GraphicsAdapter object.

Each basic surfaces object, e.g. a cone, pyramid or sphere, is a Shape. You can combine several Shape objects using addShape into a complex Shape, which you can then transform (rotate, translate, stretch, etc) as a whole.

You can clone Shape objects too - it is useful when you have to put the same shape, e.g. sphere, in multiple locations/orientations.

Shape addShape ( Shape shapeToAdd )

Adds the input Shape object into this Shape object.

Shape cloneShape ( )

Clones this Shape object and returns the new Shape object

Shape copyShape ( Shape shapeToCopy )

Clears the current shape and makes it a copy of the input shape. Note - this function has changed. It previously was the same as cloneShape.

Number getFacesCount ( )

Returns the number of faces in the shape.

Number getVerticesCount ( )

Returns the number of vertices in the shape.

Shape loadFromText ( Text text )

Load a shape from text.

Shape printShape ( )

Prints a representation of the vertices and faces in this shape into the debug window.

Shape rekeyShape ( Function keyFunction )

Modifies the foreign key for the vertices of this shape.

Text saveAsText ( )

Saves a representation of this object to text

Shape scaleAndWriteShape ( Array vec3, GraphicsAdapter graphicsAdapter )

Writes a scaled version of the shape. The current shape is not modified.

Shape scaleShape ( Array vec3 )

Scales the shape according to the input array of 3 elements

Shape scaleTranslateAndWriteShape ( Array scale3, Array translate3, GraphicsAdapter graphicsAdapter )

Writes a scaled and translated version of the shape. The current shape is not modified.

Shape transform3AndWriteShape ( glMatrix matrix, GraphicsAdapter graphicsAdapter )

Writes a transformed version of the shape. The current shape is not modified.

Shape transform3Shape ( glMatrix matrix )

Transforms the shape according to the input 3x3 transformation matrix

Shape transform4AndWriteShape ( glMatrix matrix, GraphicsAdapter graphicsAdapter )

Writes a transformed version of the shape. The current shape is not modified.

Shape transform4Shape ( glMatrix matrix )

Transforms the shape according to the input 4x4 transformation matrix

Shape transformViaFunctionAndWriteShape ( Function func_vec3, GraphicsAdapter graphicsAdapter )

Writes a transformed version of the shape. The current shape is not modified. The input function w = f(v), where v is the input Point and w the returned (modified) Point. It is recommended to modify and return the input Point rather than to create a new Point each time.

Shape transformViaFunctionShape ( Function func_vec3 )

Transforms the shape according to a input function w = f(v), where v is the input Point and w the returned (modified) Point. It is recommended to modify and return the input Point rather than to create a new Point each time.

Shape translateAndWriteShape ( Array vec3, GraphicsAdapter graphicsAdapter )

Writes a translated version of the shape. The current shape is not modified.

Shape translateShape ( Array vec3 )

Translates (moves) the shape.

Shape writeShape ( GraphicsAdapter graphicsAdapter )

Writes out the shape to the GraphicsAdapter object specified.

Shape.addShape ( shapeToAdd )

Adds the input Shape object into this Shape object.

Parameters: Returns: Shape currentShape
Shape.cloneShape ( )

Clones this Shape object and returns the new Shape object

Returns: Shape clonedShape
Shape.copyShape ( shapeToCopy )

Clears the current shape and makes it a copy of the input shape. Note - this function has changed. It previously was the same as cloneShape.

Parameters: Returns: Shape currentShape
Shape.getFacesCount ( )

Returns the number of faces in the shape.

Returns: Number facesCount
Shape.getVerticesCount ( )

Returns the number of vertices in the shape.

Returns: Number verticesCount
Shape.loadFromText ( text )

Load a shape from text.

  • Text text - - text to load shape from
Returns: Shape loadedShape
Shape.printShape ( )

Prints a representation of the vertices and faces in this shape into the debug window.

Returns: Shape currentShape
Shape.rekeyShape ( keyFunction )

Modifies the foreign key for the vertices of this shape.

  • Function keyFunction - - you can specify either a value here (then the Shape will have that value for its foreign key), or a function f(location, oldKey) where location is the location of each vertex, and oldKey is the current value of the foreign key for that vertex.
Returns: Shape currentShape
Shape.saveAsText ( )

Saves a representation of this object to text

Returns: Text text - - text representation of this Shape object
Shape.scaleAndWriteShape ( vec3, graphicsAdapter )

Writes a scaled version of the shape. The current shape is not modified.

  • Array vec3 - - input array of 3 elements. First element is scaling for x-axis, second element is scaling for y-axis, third element is scaling for z-axis
  • GraphicsAdapter graphicsAdapter - - the GraphicsAdapter object to write this shape to.
Returns: Shape currentShape
Shape.scaleShape ( vec3 )

Scales the shape according to the input array of 3 elements

  • Array vec3 - - input array of 3 elements. First element is scaling for x-axis, second element is scaling for y-axis, third element is scaling for z-axis
Returns: Shape currentShape
Shape.scaleTranslateAndWriteShape ( scale3, translate3, graphicsAdapter )

Writes a scaled and translated version of the shape. The current shape is not modified.

  • Array scale3 - - input array of 3 elements. First element is scaling for x-axis, second element is scaling for y-axis, third element is scaling for z-axis
  • Array translate3 - - input array of 3 elements defining the vector by which to translate the shape.
  • GraphicsAdapter graphicsAdapter - - the GraphicsAdapter object to write this shape to.
Returns: Shape currentShape
Shape.transform3AndWriteShape ( matrix, graphicsAdapter )

Writes a transformed version of the shape. The current shape is not modified.

  • glMatrix matrix - - input 3x3 transformation matrix
  • GraphicsAdapter graphicsAdapter - - the GraphicsAdapter object to write this shape to.
Returns: Shape currentShape
Shape.transform3Shape ( matrix )

Transforms the shape according to the input 3x3 transformation matrix

  • glMatrix matrix - - input 3x3 transformation matrix
Returns: Shape currentShape
Shape.transform4AndWriteShape ( matrix, graphicsAdapter )

Writes a transformed version of the shape. The current shape is not modified.

  • glMatrix matrix - - input 4x4 transformation matrix
  • GraphicsAdapter graphicsAdapter - - the GraphicsAdapter object to write this shape to.
Returns: Shape currentShape
Shape.transform4Shape ( matrix )

Transforms the shape according to the input 4x4 transformation matrix

  • glMatrix matrix - - input 4x4 transformation matrix
Returns: Shape currentShape
Shape.transformViaFunctionAndWriteShape ( func_vec3, graphicsAdapter )

Writes a transformed version of the shape. The current shape is not modified. The input function w = f(v), where v is the input Point and w the returned (modified) Point. It is recommended to modify and return the input Point rather than to create a new Point each time.

  • Function func_vec3 - - input function
  • GraphicsAdapter graphicsAdapter - - the GraphicsAdapter object to write this shape to.
Returns: Shape currentShape
Shape.transformViaFunctionShape ( func_vec3 )

Transforms the shape according to a input function w = f(v), where v is the input Point and w the returned (modified) Point. It is recommended to modify and return the input Point rather than to create a new Point each time.

Parameters: Returns: Shape currentShape
Shape.translateAndWriteShape ( vec3, graphicsAdapter )

Writes a translated version of the shape. The current shape is not modified.

  • Array vec3 - - input array of 3 elements defining the vector by which to translate the shape.
  • GraphicsAdapter graphicsAdapter - - the GraphicsAdapter object to write this shape to.
Returns: Shape currentShape
Shape.translateShape ( vec3 )

Translates (moves) the shape.

  • Array vec3 - - input array of 3 elements defining the vector by which to translate the shape.
Returns: Shape currentShape
Shape.writeShape ( graphicsAdapter )

Writes out the shape to the GraphicsAdapter object specified.

  • GraphicsAdapter graphicsAdapter - - the GraphicsAdapter object to write this shape to.
Returns: Shape currentShape