
Locate events in sensor data.

Array doEventsTriggering ( Object settings, Array channels, Float64Array times )

Locate events in a set of sensor data.

The settings object requires the following properties:

  • LTA_samples {Number}
  • STA_samples {Number}
  • read_all_sensors {Boolean}
  • association_level {Number}
  • forward_samples {Number}
  • cooldown {Number}
  • back {Number}
  • forward {Number}

The channels array must contain objects with the following properties:
  • threshold {Number}
  • samples {Float64Array} array of channel samples, in increasing order of time. All channels must have the same number of samples (which should be the same as the number of time values in the times array.

The returned events array contains one object for every detected event. The objects have the following properties:
  • earliest_trigger {Number}
  • num_triggered {Number}
  • time {Number}
  • triggered {Number}
  • channel_info [ChannelInfo] an array of ChannelInfo objects, one for each channel (in order)

Library Functions

events = Lib.doEventsTriggering ( settings, channels, times )

Locate events in a set of sensor data.

The settings object requires the following properties:

  • LTA_samples {Number}
  • STA_samples {Number}
  • read_all_sensors {Boolean}
  • association_level {Number}
  • forward_samples {Number}
  • cooldown {Number}
  • back {Number}
  • forward {Number}

The channels array must contain objects with the following properties:
  • threshold {Number}
  • samples {Float64Array} array of channel samples, in increasing order of time. All channels must have the same number of samples (which should be the same as the number of time values in the times array.

The returned events array contains one object for every detected event. The objects have the following properties:
  • earliest_trigger {Number}
  • num_triggered {Number}
  • time {Number}
  • triggered {Number}
  • channel_info [ChannelInfo] an array of ChannelInfo objects, one for each channel (in order)

  • Object settings
  • Array channels
  • Float64Array times - an array of times at which the channel samples were recorded (that is, the value channels[N].samples[i] was taken at time times[i], for all N).
Returns: Array events