
This library provides some standard often needed mathematical functions

Number quad8 ( Function ↓func, Number ↓start, Number ↓finish, Number ↓tolerance, Number ↓max_levels )

Numerical evaluation of an integral, higher order method. Uses an adaptive recursive Newton Cotes 8 panel rule. Approximates the integral of F(X) from start to finish to within a relative error of tolerance, or until max_levels is reached during recursion. func is a Function that accepts one parameter, a number, and must return a number.

Library Functions

Q = Lib.quad8 ( ↓func, ↓start, ↓finish, ↓tolerance, ↓max_levels )

Numerical evaluation of an integral, higher order method. Uses an adaptive recursive Newton Cotes 8 panel rule. Approximates the integral of F(X) from start to finish to within a relative error of tolerance, or until max_levels is reached during recursion. func is a Function that accepts one parameter, a number, and must return a number.

  • Function ↓func - function to approximate the integral of, over the given range
  • Number ↓start - start of the integral range to approximate
  • Number ↓finish - end of the integral range to approximate
  • Number ↓tolerance - relative error tolerance
  • Number ↓max_levels - maximum levels of recursion
Returns: Number Q - approximated integral of func from start to finish