
Helper functions for plane based analyses.

generatePlanePointsAndFaces ( Object ↓settings )

Generate regularly spaced points for a given plane definition, and quads. The following settings can be specified as properties in the settings parameter:

  • strikeRad: {Number} strike in radians.
  • dipRad: {Number} dip in radians.
  • rakeRad: {Number} rake in radians.
  • planeCentre: {vec3} center of the plane.
  • dipLength: {Number} length of the plane in the direction of dip.
  • strikeLength: {Number} length of the plane in the direction of strike.
  • spacing: {Number} distance between points in the grid (in direction of strike and dip).
  • dipwaysSpacing: {Number} (optional) distance between points in the direction of dip (if not equal to spacing).
  • strikewaysSpacing: {Number} (optional) distance between points in the direction of strike (if not equal to spacing).
  • outPoints: {Table} output table that receives the plane points, should have: ID (ID), IsInPlane (Filter), Location (Points).
  • outFaces: {Table} output table that receives the plane quads, should have: ID (ID), IsInPlane (Filter), V1 (ID), V2 (ID), V3 (ID), V4 (ID).
  • padding: {Number} (optional) distance around the plane to generate extra points and quads.
  • onWritePoint: {Function} (optional) called each time a point is written, receives one argument: the index/row of the written point in the output points table.
  • onWriteFace: {Function} (optional) called each time a face is written, receives one argument: the index/row of the written face in the output faces table.

Library Functions

Lib.generatePlanePointsAndFaces ( ↓settings )

Generate regularly spaced points for a given plane definition, and quads. The following settings can be specified as properties in the settings parameter:

  • strikeRad: {Number} strike in radians.
  • dipRad: {Number} dip in radians.
  • rakeRad: {Number} rake in radians.
  • planeCentre: {vec3} center of the plane.
  • dipLength: {Number} length of the plane in the direction of dip.
  • strikeLength: {Number} length of the plane in the direction of strike.
  • spacing: {Number} distance between points in the grid (in direction of strike and dip).
  • dipwaysSpacing: {Number} (optional) distance between points in the direction of dip (if not equal to spacing).
  • strikewaysSpacing: {Number} (optional) distance between points in the direction of strike (if not equal to spacing).
  • outPoints: {Table} output table that receives the plane points, should have: ID (ID), IsInPlane (Filter), Location (Points).
  • outFaces: {Table} output table that receives the plane quads, should have: ID (ID), IsInPlane (Filter), V1 (ID), V2 (ID), V3 (ID), V4 (ID).
  • padding: {Number} (optional) distance around the plane to generate extra points and quads.
  • onWritePoint: {Function} (optional) called each time a point is written, receives one argument: the index/row of the written point in the output points table.
  • onWriteFace: {Function} (optional) called each time a face is written, receives one argument: the index/row of the written face in the output faces table.

  • Object ↓settings - The settings.