

This library provides k-d tree functionality for searching tables. The dimensions of the k-d trees are table columns. The k-d tree can then be searched based on those dimensions. Compared to the built-in k-d tree, the search functions provided by this k-d tree require the caller to provide a function that determines the distances between two points in the k-dimensional space. That is, you provide the definition of distance when performing searches such as findNearestNeighbour or findAtLeastXWithinRange.

KDTree generateKDTree ( Object options )

Construct a new KDTree. The options object may use the following properties:

  • inputTable {Table} the table that the k-d tree will index.
  • ID {String} the name of the identifier column in the input table.
  • dimensions {Object} dimensions to use for the k-d tree.
  • dimensionOrder {Array} (optional).

KDTree generateKDTreeTables ( Object options )

Construct a new KDTree, and write that tree to a table. The options object may use the following properties:

  • indicesTable {Table} the table to write the k-d tree to.
  • inputTable {Table} the table that the k-d tree will index.
  • ID {String} the name of the identifier column in the input table.
  • dimensions {Object} dimensions to use for the k-d tree.
  • dimensionOrder {Array} (optional).

String getDescriptionFromSettings ( String storedSettings )

Get a description of the KDTree described by stored settings.

KDTree readKDTreeTables ( Table KDTreeTable, Table IndexedTable, String StoredSettings )

Create a KDTree from a given k-d tree table.

Library Functions

kdtree = Lib.generateKDTree ( options )

Construct a new KDTree. The options object may use the following properties:

  • inputTable {Table} the table that the k-d tree will index.
  • ID {String} the name of the identifier column in the input table.
  • dimensions {Object} dimensions to use for the k-d tree.
  • dimensionOrder {Array} (optional).

Parameters: Returns: KDTree kdtree - the created k-d tree
kdtree = Lib.generateKDTreeTables ( options )

Construct a new KDTree, and write that tree to a table. The options object may use the following properties:

  • indicesTable {Table} the table to write the k-d tree to.
  • inputTable {Table} the table that the k-d tree will index.
  • ID {String} the name of the identifier column in the input table.
  • dimensions {Object} dimensions to use for the k-d tree.
  • dimensionOrder {Array} (optional).

Parameters: Returns: KDTree kdtree - the created k-d tree
description = Lib.getDescriptionFromSettings ( storedSettings )

Get a description of the KDTree described by stored settings.

  • String storedSettings - the stored settings string.
Returns: String description - a human-readable description of the KDTree.
kdree = Lib.readKDTreeTables ( KDTreeTable, IndexedTable, StoredSettings )

Create a KDTree from a given k-d tree table.

  • Table KDTreeTable - the table that the k-d tree was stored in.
  • Table IndexedTable - the input table (that the k-d tree indexes).
  • String StoredSettings - the settings string (stored in KDTreeTable).
Returns: KDTree kdree - - the k-d tree read from the table.

Category: Examples

These k-d trees can also be saved into tables, which can then be used to search the k-d tree from other locations (e.g. a k-d tree can be generated once, and searched from multiple table calculations).

A k-d tree storage Table must have the following:

  • StoredSettings: OUT Value (Text)
  • ID: OUT Column (IDs)
  • Order: OUT Column (Numbers)
  • SplitValue: OUT Column (Numbers)

When the k-d tree storage Table is read from another table calculation, it must have no Filter, no Group By, and must be ordered by the Order column in the storage table, as IN Column Ascending: Numbers. The following columns must be readable:
  • ID
  • SplitValue

The StoredSettings Value must also be provided to the read function (see readKDTreeTables).

Generate a k-d tree:
 const LibKDTreeTable = require.mx('mxjs/base/algorithms/kdtree.js');

const KDTree = LibKDTreeTable.generateKDTree({ // Input table (to index/search) "inputTable": Events,

// ID field of the input table "ID": "id",

// Dimensions to use (the keys can be anything you like). // Point data (i.e. location in this case) is handled automatically (all three // dimensions are used internally). "dimensions": { "time": "read_date", "location": "read_location", "localMagnitude": "read_localMagnitude" } });

Save a k-d tree to table:

Get a description of a stored k-d tree:
 // If the k-d tree storage table is named KDTreeIndices

const LibKDTreeTable = require.mx('mxjs/base/algorithms/kdtree.js');

// The stored settings (saved as a Value in KDTreeIndices) must be read by // attaching them to an IN Value Bunch. It doesn't matter what the name is, // you just need to pass the value to the function below. const Settings = KDTreeIndicesValues.read_StoredSettings(); const Description = LibKDTreeTable.getDescriptionFromSettings(Settings); print(Description);

Read from a k-d tree table:
 // If the k-d tree storage table is named KDTreeIndices

const LibKDTreeTable = require.mx('mxjs/base/algorithms/kdtree.js');

// The stored settings (saved as a Value in KDTreeIndices) must be read by // attaching them to an IN Value Bunch. It doesn't matter what the name is, // you just need to pass the value to the readKDTreeTables function (below). const Settings = KDTreeIndicesValues.read_StoredSettings();

// Events is the same table that was used when the k-d tree was generated in the // example above. It does not need to be in the same order. However, all rows // that were present originally must still be present when the k-d tree is read // (it's OK if there are additional rows). const KDTree = LibKDTreeTable.readKDTreeTables(KDTreeIndices, Events, Settings);

Search the k-d tree:
 // If the k-d tree storage table is named KDTreeIndices

// Define a function that gives the distance between two k-dimension points. // Anything that produces a value >= 0 is OK. You do not need to use all of the // dimensions that the k-d tree uses. const distanceFn = function(a, b) { var timeDelta = Math.abs(b.time-a.time); var distance = glMatrix.vec3.distance(a.location, b.location); // ignoring localMagnitude return (distance/100) + (timeDelta)/1234; };

// Define the centre point to search from. All dimensions MUST be specified. const searchPoint = { "location": [-6295.24, 2925.71, -1037.15], "time": 3283779811001, "localMagnitude": 0.0401228 };

// Find the index of the single row closest to the search point. const closestIdx = KDTree.findNearestNeighbour(distanceFn, searchPoint);

// Find all points within a specified distance (10) from the centre point. // The points are returned in ascending order of distance (i.e. closest first). const radius = 10; const inRange = KDTree.findAllWithinRange(distanceFn, searchPoint, radius);

for (let i = 0; i < inRange.indices.length; ++i) { print("row " + inRange.indices[i] + " at distance " + inRange.distances[i]); }

// Find the closest 20 (Xnum) points within distance 50 (Rmax) of searchPoint. // If there are more than 20 points within 10 (Rmin), find all of them. // The points are returned in ascending order of distance (i.e. closest first). const Rmin = 10; const Rmax = 50; const Xnum = 20; const friends = KDTree.findAtLeastXWithinRange(distanceFn, searchPoint, Rmin, Rmax, Xnum);

for (let i = 0; i < friends.indices.length; ++i) { print("row " + friends.indices[i] + " at distance " + friends.distances[i]); }

// Find all points in a hyperrectangle (in an unspecified order). // Note that no distance function is used. // Each dimension must specify a [minimum, maximum]. const hyperrectangle = { "location": [[-6400, 2600, -1200], [-6280, 3000, -1000]], "time": [0, 3283779811001], "localMagnitude": [0, 1] };

const foundIndices = KDTree.listNodesInHyperrectangle(hyperrectangle);

for (let i = 0; i < foundIndices.length; ++i) { print("row " + i + " is in the hyperrectangle"); }

Class: KDTree

A k-d tree that indexes a table.

Object findAllWithinRange ( Function distanceFn, Object centrePoint, Number radius, Object ↑results, Function predicateFn )

Find all points (rows) that are within the distance radius from centrePoint (according to the given distance function).

Object findAtLeastXWithinRange ( Function distanceFn, Object centrePoint, Number Rmin, Number Rmax, Number Xnum, Object ↑results, Function predicateFn )

Find all points (rows) that are within the distance Rmin from centrePoint (according to the given distance function). If there are less than Xnum points found, then continue finding the next closest point until either there are Xnum points found, or the next closest point would be beyond Rmax.

Number findNearestNeighbour ( Function ↓distanceFn, Object ↓centrePoint, Array ↑bestDistance )

Find the single closest point (row) to the given centrePoint, according to the given distance function.

String getDescription ( )

Get a description of this KDTree (including the name of the ID field, the dimensions that it uses, and examples of search points and distance functions).

Array listNodesInHyperrectangle ( Object Hyperrectangle )

Find all points (rows) that lie within a hyperrectangle (a k-orthotope).

writeToTable ( Table indicesTable )

Write this k-d tree into a table, so that it can be used in other table calculations.

KDTree.findAllWithinRange ( distanceFn, centrePoint, radius, ↑results, predicateFn )

Find all points (rows) that are within the distance radius from centrePoint (according to the given distance function).

  • Function distanceFn - a function that calculates the distance between two points in the k dimensions.
  • Object centrePoint - the centre point to search from.
  • Number radius - find all points within this distance from the centre point.
  • Object ↑results
  • Function predicateFn - a function that takes one parameter, an index, and returns truthy if the point at that index should be considered in the search.
Returns: Object foundPoints - an object with two properties: indices, which is an array containing the index of every point (row) found, in increasing distance from the centrePoint; and distances, which is an array containing the distances of those points (rows) from the centrePoint.
KDTree.findAtLeastXWithinRange ( distanceFn, centrePoint, Rmin, Rmax, Xnum, ↑results, predicateFn )

Find all points (rows) that are within the distance Rmin from centrePoint (according to the given distance function). If there are less than Xnum points found, then continue finding the next closest point until either there are Xnum points found, or the next closest point would be beyond Rmax.

  • Function distanceFn - a function that calculates the distance between two points in the k dimensions.
  • Object centrePoint - the centre point to search from.
  • Number Rmin - minimum radius (include all nodes that are at least this close).
  • Number Rmax - maximum radius (include no nodes that are further than this).
  • Number Xnum - search beyond Rmin to find this many points.
  • Object ↑results
  • Function predicateFn - a function that takes one parameter, an index, and returns truthy if the point at that index should be considered in the search.
Returns: Object foundPoints - an object with two properties: indices, which is an array containing the index of every point (row) found, in increasing distance from the centrePoint; and distances, which is an array containing the distances of those points (rows) from the centrePoint.
KDTree.findNearestNeighbour ( ↓distanceFn, ↓centrePoint, ↑bestDistance )

Find the single closest point (row) to the given centrePoint, according to the given distance function.

  • Function ↓distanceFn - a function that calculates the distance between two points in the k dimensions.
  • Object ↓centrePoint - the centre point to search from.
  • Array ↑bestDistance - (optional) array that receives the distance to the closest point in its zeroth element.
Returns: Number foundPointIndex - the index of the closest point (row).
KDTree.getDescription ( )

Get a description of this KDTree (including the name of the ID field, the dimensions that it uses, and examples of search points and distance functions).

Returns: String description - a human-readable description of the KDTree.
KDTree.listNodesInHyperrectangle ( Hyperrectangle )

Find all points (rows) that lie within a hyperrectangle (a k-orthotope).

  • Object Hyperrectangle - the hyperrectangle to search within - each dimension should be specified as a property, and each value should be an array of the form [min, max].
Returns: Array foundPoints - an array containing the index of every point (row) that lies within the hyperrectangle.
KDTree.writeToTable ( indicesTable )

Write this k-d tree into a table, so that it can be used in other table calculations.

  • Table indicesTable - the table to store the tree in.