CSV Parameter File

A CSV Parameter file is the same in textual format to a CSV Data file, but the data layout is very different.

Here is our example file:

It has a row per entry,

each entry has a header in the first column,

and a value in the second column.

This does not import a table of data, but rather a collection of single values (like a set of Variables).


First visit the "CSV Format" tab and choose "Rows of named parameters: Delimited rows of Name, Value"

The rest of the formatting is the same as for CSV Data File, please refer to this section for further documentation.


The next step is to configure the columns within the file, or rather the items.

Only the items required need to be defined, and the same row in the file can be imported more than once.

The "Name" will be used for the name of the column inside mXrap.

The "Type" can be one of several types.

If the type is a date, then the date format must also be specified, as the computer cannot reliably detect the format itself.

The "File Header" must match what is in the first column of the target row.  It does not need to match the case (ie it is not case-sensitive).

Here is the configuration for the example file.

Note that mXrap's internal name does not need to be the same as the label found in the file.

The result of the example import looks like this in a TableView:

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