Table View

It is important to distinguish between Tables and Table Views in mXrap.

All Data in mXrap are stored internally in different tables,  Examples of these would be an Events table and a Blast table both of which may contain many columns (for examples date, location, magnitude etc.) and many rows (one row for each event, or blast).

A Table View is a table representation of a subset of the table.  For any table, several Table views may exist, each displaying different columns and rows.

As an example a Table View can be configured the displays the Date and magnitude of the 10 largest events in the Events table only of the Events Table that may contain 100 columns and several 100 000 events.

It should be noted that Tables in mXrap can contain single values also.

Configuring Table Views

Tables view consists of two components, namely a table view of single values, and a table view of columns.  The configuration of Table view to display the desired table content will be discussed here.  For more information on the dynamic filtering and appearance manipulation of table views refer to

Analysis Window->Category Tabs->Page Settings (Table view)

Analysis Window->Panel->Page Settings (Table view)

Follow the following steps to configure a table view.

  1. Make sure that view area of the Table view that you would like to change is currently active.
  2. Go to Analysis Window->Panel->Page Settings->Configure page.
  3. Fill in the required Data Inputs. Namely, the Table, and default Filter.
  4. Columns Table: Select columns to display. The options that can be seen in Fig. 4 below are as follows; Filter columns by name, by category only, Filter type, Show ticked items only and Expand/Collapse. These all serve to make it easier/faster to find the items that the user wishes to display. This is particularly helpful for large tables such as the events table.  
  5. Values Table: The selection process for values to view is vastly similar to that for the columns table (Step 3).
  6. Save the view (or if the view is new “save as” in an appropriate module.)

General method for creating a Columns Table view.

General method for creating a Values Table view.

Formatting Table Views

Once the table view has been set up, there are additional options to refine the view. The available options can be accessed by right-clicking the headings and they include the ability to re-name columns, re-configure how the data is displayed and change/use marker styles, whether ones specifically made or the same ones available in 3D and chart views). Furthermore, columns can be sorted by a chosen primary/secondary/tertiary column. For example, events are sorted by day of occurrence and sorted by magnitude within these days.

Clicking on any of the sort columns will reverse the sort order for that column.

The available viewing and sorting options in table views.

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