
Reload All Now

Enable the user to reload the root folder. These options are used when external changes are made to mXrap4 root folder which the program not able to "see" until a reload occurs.  

Show only Modified/Save All Configs

This option directs the user to the mXrap tools in the analysis window that has changed and for which the changes has not been saved yet.  By enabling this options, all category tabs that don't contain a modified item are blanked out.

Changes in some tools may not be a conscious decision by users as it may be a result of renaming a column with the column renaming function Settings Window->Workspace Menu->Redirect Columns.  If such changes are not saved the configuration files for the tools will revert back to their last saved values.

Saves all modified items but does not save new items.  A warning informs the user that there are unsaved items.

Example of Show Only Modified. In this case, it is evident that changes have been to the events table.

Windows Management

New Analysis Window

This option is used to open multiple analysis windows which can be used simultaneously. There is no limit to the number of analysis windows that can be opened.

Within any analysis window there can be only one instance of any tool active at a time.  Each Analysis window can have an instance of a tool open and its marker styles could be set differently in the two windows.

Setting Windows

This option opens a settings window if none is open or brings into view all open settings windows.
More than one settings windows can be opened by using New Settings Window

Exit mXrap

This option exits all open windows in mXrap along with informing the user about any modified or unsaved items. This gives the user the option to cancel and save the new and modified items (the save all configs and show only modified options become particularly useful), or discard changes.

Exit mXrap window.

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