*New->Range Filters

Range filters can be applied to any column in any table of the types: Text, Id, DateTime or Number.

Complex filters can be combined using nested Boolean logic using AND or OR gates.  The filter configuration area consists of a filter tree area and the column tree area.  

The filter is built by dragging the desired columns to filter on from the column tree to the filter tree.  The gates can be toggled between AND, OR and AND NOT and OR NOT by selecting the appropriate option on right clicking on the gate.  New gates can be added by dragging them onto the tree.  Components can be deleted by selecting and pressing the delete button and duplicated by dragging it to a new location in the tree.

The columns at the same level in the tree are combined by the logic operator that is shown in the higher level in the tree.  The Filter tree below can be translated as follows

[ NOT (AV_range AND NOT AS_range) ]  AND  [ Date_range_1 OR Date_range_2 ]

Nested Complex filter

The “From” and “To” range values can to be assigned on each one of the components in the Filter tree.  These boundaries can be typed in as static boundaries or can be linked to variables to form dynamic boundaries that can be changed by changing the variable values.

Setting “From” and “To” boundaries.

  • If the From value is NULL, then it will pass any null values, and all values less than the To value.
  • If the To value is NULL, then it will pass any values above the From value.
  • If both From and To are NULL, then all values are passed through.

A range filter can be add to a composite filter.

Setting up a filter

(NOTE: There are some hints at the top right corner of the window)

Methodology for setting up a filter component:

  1. Choose an input table for filtering.
  2. Select the values for filtering. This is done by clicking and dragging the value name from the Columns window into the Range Filter Structure window. When highlighted, components can be removed using the "Delete" key.
  3. Set filtering windows by inputting values directly or linking externally to predefined variables. These values can have units.
  4. Manipulate Logic if required.
  5. Ensure the filter is configured correctly by applying it to a table view. This prevents any mistakes in filtering from being transferred to calculations and ultimately analysis.

General method for setting up a filter component.

Setting up a text filter

The procedure of setting up a text filter is generally the same as a general range filter.  This is an alphabetical range filter and does not include wildcard searches.

The following Table illustrates the alpha-numerical order in which text data is sorted.  The filter is a case-sensitive, inclusive range filter.

There are two different range filters in use here: one is from 1 to a, the other is from 1a to b.

To filter for a column of data down to a certain text such as 'cluster 6110', enter 'cluster 6110' to Min tab.

Setting up a points filter

The points range filter, filters ranges between the two vector locations [X min, Y min, Z min] and [X max, Y max, Z max] and is equivalent to filtering anything within a rectangular box defined by these to points.  It is equivalent to filtering (Xmin to Xmax) AND (Ymin to Ymax) AND (Zmin to Zmax).

The 3 tabs on the left specifies to the "minimum" corner coordinate of the box, where the 3 tabs on the right specifies the "maximum" corner coordinate of the box.

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