Settings Menu

Reload Configuration

This enable the user to reload the root folder. These options are used when external changes are made to mXrap4 root folder which the program not able to "see" until a reload occurs. Situations where this will be required include in putting new modules into the root file (while mXrap is open) or updating changes created by another user, using the same root folder.

Reload Control

Reload Control option enable user to set auto data reload for data sources or root folder configuration file after changed have been made. Reload feature could be set for setting configurations, data sources such as survey and csv cache, v3 database. The time between each auto Reload could also be set individually for each item as well.

Enable Auto Reload

1. Enable Automatic Mode shown in window 1 is the 'master switch' for reload control. It acts as the switch for all three reload options.

2. Configuration in window 2 shown above enables the user to set auto reload time for both analysis and setting window configurations in mXrap.

3. In Data Sources reload window, users are able to set auto reload times

Write all Cache files

After the importation of large data set and file or completion of large size calculation, it would be ideal to click on 'Write all Cache files' to save the data onto disk in cache files to enable quicker reload next time when starting up mXrap.  

Save/Discard Modified Items

These two menu items allows you to save or discard changes to all modified items in the settings window.
To view the items that has been modified but not saved, tick the tickbox Show only modified

Show only modified tick hides all items that has not changed since the last save

Please note: Items can be changed directly by the user changing the settings of a particular item. When renaming an item in the settings window, that will change the name of the column in the data table. Any tool that refers to the results of that column will also be updated accordingly and will be shown in the list of modified items.

For more information on redirecting columns refer to Redirecting Columns.


"Close" option will close the settings window. If there are modified or new items the user is informed with the option to discard changes or cancel the "Close".

On using “Exit”, the entire of mXrap will be closed.

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